



Rare Beatles Photos Up for Auction



1. Rare [rɛr] : adj. 罕见的

2. Auction: [ˋɔkʃən] n. 拍卖

3. fab : [fæb] adj. 极好的;传说的 (=fabulous)

4. polished: [ˋpɑlɪʃt] adj. 精炼的

5. slick: [slɪk] adj. 整齐的

6. outfit : [ˋaʊt͵fɪt] n. 成套服装

7. entity: [ˋɛntətɪ] n. 实体

8. rugged: [ˋrʌgɪd] adj. 粗犷的

9. bidder: [ˋbɪdɚ] n. 投标者

10. negative: [ˋnɛgətɪv] n. 底片

11. unprecedented: [ʌnˋprɛsə͵dɛntɪd] adj. 空前的

12. remarkable: [rɪˋmɑrkəb!] adj. 卓越的

13. gem: [dʒɛm] n. 瑰宝

Young and unknown – the Beatles in Hamburg, Germany in 1960.

1960年在德国汉堡的披头四乐团─ ─年轻且还未成名。

Images created by German photographer Astrid Kirchherr who befriended the fab four and was engaged to Beatles bass player Stuart Sutcliffe until his death in 1962.


Now, her photographs will be auctioned in New York City.


Arlan Ettinger, President of auction house Guernsey’s, says the pictures show the Beatles before a more polished foursome became famous.


[Arlan Ettinger, President of Guernsey’s]:

“When the Beatles first arrived on the scene, and was sort of around, they were very sort of a slick-looking group. They all wore the same outfits, their hair was cut the same, they became a single entity. What you see here, you see visions of them in sort of their rawest, rugged best.”


In addition to the photographs, the winning bidder will also acquire the negatives and copyright, giving the buyer unprecedented access to the Beatles says Ettinger.


[Arlan Ettinger, President of Guernsey’s]:

“It allows you to control one of these remarkable images of John Lennon, Paul McCartney, or the other Beatles and that’s what’s so unique about this offering. It’s not just the photograph itself.”


And even though fans can’t buy love, they can bid on these Beatles gems.


