
Hello英语(第二十七课): 预约

Making an Appointment
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A: This is the doctor’s office. How may I help you?

B: Hello, my name is Ding Hui. I feel sick.

A: What’s the matter?

B: I have a stomach ache.

A: Do you want to make an appointment?

B: Yes, I do.

A: Can you come in this afternoon at 4 o’clock?

B: Sure. Thank you.

A: You’re welcome.

B: Good-bye.

A: Good-bye. See you at 4 o’clock.


help 帮助

How may I help you? 我怎么能帮你﹖

matter 事情﹑问题﹑事务

What’s the matter? 你怎么了﹖

Appointment 预定﹑约会

Do you want to make an appointment? 你想预约吗﹖

Can you come in 你能来吗

Can you come in this afternoon at 4 o’clock? 你今天下午四点来可以吗﹖

dentist 牙医

A: This is the dentist’s office. How may I help you?

B: Hello, my name is Ding Hui. I feel sick.

A: What’s the matter?

B: I have a tooth ache.

A: Do you want to make an appointment?

B: Yes, I do.

A: Can you come in this afternoon at 4 o’clock?

B: Sure. Thank you.

A: You’re welcome.

B: Good-bye.

A: Good-bye. See you at 4 o’clock.


A: Hello Ms. Ding.

B: Hello.

A: My name is Dr. Lee.

B: It is nice to meet you.

A: It is nice to meet you too. I’m sorry that you are sick today.

B: Yes, I feel bad.

A: What’s the matter.

B: I have an ear ache.

A: Oh really? I need to check your ears.

B: Okay.

A: You have an infection.

B: Oh!

A: Don’t worry. Here is some medicine.

B: Thank you.

A: Please take two pills every 4 hours.

B: Okay, I understand.

A: Good-bye.

B: Good-bye.


Ms. 女士﹐包括结婚的和不结婚的

Miss 女士﹐指没结婚的或女孩。

Dr. 医生的正式称呼﹐博士。

Mr. 成年男人﹐包括结婚的和没结婚的。

Mrs. 是夫人的意思﹐是结婚的。

check 检查

I need to check 我需要检查

infection 感染

medicine 药

pill 药丸﹑药粒

─ ─转载自:新唐人电视台网 (//www.dajiyuan.com)

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