

Daniel Chen
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Cost of Everyday Goods on the Rise in China


1. on the rise :ph. 上涨中
2. chives : [tʃaɪvz] n. 香葱
3. soar : [sor] v. 急升;猛增
4. across the board : ph. 全面
5. cabbage : [ˋkæbɪdʒ] n. 白菜
6. pesticide : [ˋpɛstɪ͵saɪd] n. 农药;杀虫剂
7. staple : [ˋstep] n. 主食
8. trillion : [ˋtrɪljən] n. 万亿
9. cool off :ph. 冷却
10. inflation : [ɪnˋfleʃən] n. 通货膨胀
11. creep into : ph. 悄悄地潜入
12. consumer price index : ph. 消费物价指数

Last Tuesday, the Chinese regime’s National Development and Reform Commission released a survey on retail prices across 36 major cities. They found 80% of 31 everyday goods had gone up in price from September to October.

Since then, prices have kept going up. Beijing-based Fazhi Evening News reported the cost of a common vegetable like chives has increased by 40% since the end of October.

And an apple farmer notices prices have been soaring across the board.

[Mr. Chen, Apple Farmer]:
“Basically everything is rising, cabbage and carrots are a few Yuan per jin (1.1lb), pesticides and cooking oil are also more expensive.”

Prices are also going up for other common staples like rice and cooking oil. Rice rose by 30% in the past 2 months, and some name brand oils increased by 20%. The costs of other important items like cotton and coal have also soared.

Experts believe it’s partly caused by the Chinese regime’s overprinting of currency. In the past decade, the supply in currency in China exploded from 12 trillion to 70 trillion yuan. Parts of this have been absorbed by infrastructure development, the stock market and the real estate boom. But a cooling off in the markets has left an oversupply of currency, resulting in inflation.

[Wu Fan, China commentator]:
“The inflation has now crept into the base level of life. What’s the base level? That is, inflation is now being reflected in everyday life from common goods, food, housing and travel, it’s all being reflected.”

China’s September consumer price index, or CPI, which measures inflation, was at 3.6%. It was the highest in almost 2 years, and many believe the figure for October will soar above 4%.

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