

Wan-Chun Chang, David Lee
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Chinese Regime Ranked one of the Worst Violators of Press Freedom


1. Violators n.侵犯者
2. advocacy n.拥护
3. fundamental a.基础的
4. censor v.审查
5. jail v.监禁
6. sentence v宣判
7. trapped a.受到限制的
8. dictatorship n.独裁政府

China has remained one of the world’s worst 10 countries for press freedom since press advocacy group ‘Reporters Without Borders’ began publishing its Press Freedom Index in 2002, and this year is no exception.

China is ranked 171st out of 178 countries examined for the yearly survey, above North Korea and Burma but below Cuba, Vietnam and Laos.

The group’s secretary-general Jean-Francois Julliard said there was little difference between the bottom ten, showing that economic development does not necessarily lead to respect for fundamental rights.
记者无疆界组织秘书长Jean-Francois Julliard表示,最后十名有些许不同,显示经济发展必非必然导致对基本权利的尊重。

The report says the Chinese regime still censors and jails reporters, particularly in the far-western provinces of Tibet and Xinjiang.

Reporters Without Borders calls again for the release of writer and political activist Liu Xiaobo, who was arrested in June last year and sentenced to 11 years in prison.

A Chinese journalist and long-time campaigner for press freedom laws in China, Zan Aizong believes countries without press freedom are trapped in the past.

[Zan Aizong, Chinese Journalist for Oceanic Newspaper]:
“If the people of a nation cannot enjoy freedom of speech and freedom of the press, then this society is a closed society, a dictatorship. If only the economy is opened up, that is not a society that has opened up. Both the economy and politics must be opened up, and people’s fundamental rights must be guaranteed.”


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