

Ling-Yi Hsieh, David Lee
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Pink Diamond Ring Breaks World Record

1. auction: v. 拍卖
2. vivid: a. 鲜艳的
3. flawless: a. 无瑕的
4. trigger: v. 触发
5. brisk: a. 活跃的
6. bidding: (拍卖的)出价
7. smash: 打破
8. Geneva: n. 日内瓦
9. gem: n. 宝石
10. up for: ph. 打算
11. whopping: a. 巨大的
12. oval: a. 楕圆的

A rare 5-carat pink diamond was auctioned off for a record 10.8 million US dollars in Hong Kong on Tuesday, putting some shine back into the world’s rare and large stones market which was badly hit by the financial crisis.

The stone, of a “vivid pink” hue and considered near perfect, but not quite flawless. It triggered brisk bidding in Christie’s autumn sales of Asian and Chinese art in Hong Kong.

The price smashed the previous record, set 15 years ago in Geneva for a near 20-carat stone that sold for 7.4 million US dollars.

The South African-mined pink diamond was just a quarter the size of the Geneva stone and not quite flawless, but the stone’s “vivid pink” is considered near perfect.

The gem’s per-carat price of 2.2 million US dollars was also the highest ever paid for any diamond at auction.

[Francois Curiel, Christie’s Europe Chairman]:
“No stone has ever been sold for two million dollars a carat. We were used to, quote unquote, a million dollars a carat for colored diamonds but never two million. So this is an absolute record that is not going to be broken for a while, I believe.”

Also up for auction from the same private collection, a whopping 16.65-carat sapphire ring sold for over 2 million US dollars and a 9.03-carat oval vivid yellow diamond ring sold for almost 1.3 million US dollars.

[Francois Curiel, Christie’s Europe Chairman]:
“All came from a private collector and we decided to sell this collection in Hong Kong, rather than in New York, rather than in Geneva, because we believe the market in Asia is absolutely booming. And I think the vendor, I know the vendor is very happy with the prices which he wasn’t expecting.”

Christie’s auction comes as a sagging dollar drives some investors to convert currencies into gold and other assets.


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