《絕不獨自吃飯》(Never Eat Alone) 這本書的作者是肯‧費拉熱(Keith Ferrazzi)。第一次聽說這本書是在公司的女子俱樂部的一次活動上。那天,肯來到我們公司做演講,並簽售這本書。
肯的演講很吸引人。他是一位很好的演說家。想想看,從一個父親是鋼鐵工人、母親給人家做清潔衛生的貧窮家庭裡走出來的窮小子,能夠上耶魯大學,接著又上哈佛商學院,做過數個大公司的 CEO,後來又自創一片天地,沒有一番過五關斬六將的本事是不可能的。
Family: My mom was a cleaning lady, my dad was a steelworker.
Philosophy: Suspend prejudice and project the positive. Strive for deeper intimacy to the point of vulnerability. Be generous and find ways to help others when you see they need it. Hold yourselves and those around you to the highest level of accountability; greatness comes at no less a commitment.
書拿回來後,和我許多其它書的命運一樣,被我束之高閣,再未打開過。然而,我參加了他的Mailing List。每周定期收到他的關於人際關系的Tips。
雖然沒有讀他的這本書,然而僅這本書的名字“Never Eat Alone” 就讓我獲益非淺,對我來說,幾乎有醍醐灌頂的功效。從此,我時時想起這幾個字。從來不知如何與人交往的我似乎開了竅。
肯今年又推出了一本新書“Who’s Got Your Back? ”也登上了紐約時報、華爾街時報、Amazon.com的暢銷書行列。
知道自己不太可能坐下來完整地讀他的書。然而,自己經常有開長途車的機會。在車上是可以聽CD的,時不時的聽聽一定會學到些什麼,所以,我就買了一套 CD。
肯是個實在(down to the earth)的人。他給許多大公司的高級主管們開Relationship Masters Academy課。每一期辦一年。他的服務宗旨是一定要看到實效。正因為如此,他的教學口碑極好。這裡是一些反饋:
Private Wealth Management
“Keith has a phenomenal message, tremendous business insights and a wonderful understanding of the human condition.”
– Chairman & CEO
Electronic Systems Contractor
“Keith’s presentation [at the World Business Forum] was more powerful and helpful to me in my business than that of any other speaker. The message was concise and 100% relevant.”
– CEO & Chairman
Leading Global Reinsurance Intermediary, Boston
“The program gave me a solid framework from which I can develop a real plan to move forward with not only my personal sales goals, but the office’s as well. Not only is it a framework from which to move forward with my existing goals, but more importantly to create lasting new sales.”
– Resident Managing Director
Leading Global Reinsurance Intermediary, Cincinnati
“The program took many of the sales activities that I am presently using but put a structure and process around it. Provided many ideas and tools that can be used in our every day sales process. Relationships and relationship selling are extremely important to our new business goals and our account retention.”
– Resident Managing Director
Private Wealth Management
“Keith pushed us to think outside of the box and added more to our wallets’!”
– Executive Director
Insurance Sales
“I’ve been in the business for over 30 years and have finally found the course that explains the real key to sales — relationships. Now I have a whole new approach to differentiating myself from competitors.”
– Managing Director
他這門課的收費是一人一年約九千五百美金。我對孩子們說:哪一天,我們全家都去參加一次他的這門課。其實,我最喜歡的是孩子們去修這門課。 @*