


Souls Awakened





「我們在宿舍裡都議論:電視報紙上說煉法輪功的殺人,可是像Miss這樣的人怎麼可能殺人?我們不相信他們說的。」 「我從小就喜歡看歷史書,發現統治階級經常是為了維護自己的統治而作出違背人民意願的事。」 「Miss,我們都很理解您。」 「Miss,我很佩服您。」








On the third day after getting out of the detention center, I quietly went to the college to visit my students.

I missed them very much.

My students were delighted when they saw me. I told them some of my experiences after leaving the college.

“Miss, we miss you so much. We can’t find a teacher like you anymore.” “We all chatted in our dorms: The media said that Falun Gong practitioners killed people, but how could a person like Miss possibly kill people? We don’t believe what the media said.” “I have enjoyed reading historical books since I was little, through which I’ve found that rulers often acted against people’s will so as to uphold their rules.” “Miss, we can understand you.” “Miss, I admire you very much.”

When it was time to say goodbye, a female student took out her camera, “Miss, we want to take a photo with you.”

“I was just out of the detention center. I’m afraid I look too pale…”

The female student gazed at my eyes and said to me earnestly, “Miss, you are forever beautiful in our hearts.”

Upon parting with the students, I headed back on the campus.

A male student suddenly ran up to me. He gazed at my eyes and said to me earnestly, “Teacher Tang, May you keep on practicing Falun Dafa and succeed in it.” He ran away upon saying it.

I watched him running out of my view, feeling profoundly grateful in my heart.
