【大紀元11月19日訊】Larry來找李華玩。今天我們要學兩個常用語: the ball is in your court和happy hour.
LL: Hi Lihua, How’s it going?
LH: 還不錯,就是特別忙,一整天都在寄簡歷找工作。
LL: Oh yeah? How’s that going?
LH: 挺煩的,不過今天終於有公司給我回電話了。
LL: That’s great Li Hua, what did they say?
LH: 我當時正在上課,所以沒接到,聽的也是留言。
LL: Ah, it sounds like the ball is in your court now.
LH: 找工作可不是鬧著玩的,什麼球不球的。
LL: No, Li Hua, the ball is in your court means that it’s your responsibility now to call them back.
LH: 哦,原來你是這個意思,那倒沒錯,the ball is in my court. 不過我心裏特緊張,又想要這份工作,又害怕打電話。
LL: Why is that Lihua?
LH: 我不知道拿起電話來要怎麼說。
LL: Well the important thing is to research the company before calling and remember what position you applied for.
LH: 好主意,打電話之前先要瞭解一下這家公司的情況。
LL: Well, the ball’s in your court, so you can call them back when you feel comfortable. At least now they aren’t catching you off guard.
LH: 這倒是真的,我可以做好充分準備後,再給他們回電話。不說我了,你最近工作還順心嗎?
LL: Well the boss just told me that a large client just dropped their old advertising agency, so they might go with us. Now the ball’s in my court to come up with a good proposal and win them over.
LH: 太好了,你又有表現的機會了,一定要寫好這個廣告創意,把這個大客戶爭取過來。
LL: It sure is a good opportunity, but to be honest I’m pretty nervous about this. It’s the first time I’ve gotten this much responsibility.
LH: 你一定沒問題。
LL: Thanks Lihua.
LH: 對了,那家公司是做什麼生意的?
LL: It’s an ad for sneakers. Their sales have been down lately.
LL: Hello, Larry London speaking.
LH: Hi Larry!
LL: Oh hi Lihua, how’s it going?
LH: 沒什麼事。就是想問你下班後要不要一起去喝點東西。
LL: You mean go to happy hour together?
LH: Happy? 跟你出去,我當然高興了。
LL: Right, but happy hour means the hour after work when people often go out for a drink or some snacks.Usually the bar or restaurant will have some sort of discount.
LH: 哦,原來happy hour是說同事下班後一起去酒吧喝酒,而且酒吧為了促銷,這段時間酒水往往比一般價格便宜。我以前好像聽過這種說法。
LL: Yes, it is a pretty common phrase.
LH: 那你到底要不要跟我一起去happy hour呢?
LL: Sounds good to me.
LH: 我們去哪兒Happy hour?
LL: Wherever you want is fine with me.
LH: 我去找你怎麼樣?你公司附近有什麼可以去happy hour的酒吧嗎?
LL: There are a few places that have a happy hour, and that would be very convenient for me.
LH: 那好,一言為定。你幾點鐘下班?
LL: Well I get out of work at five. We can go to the place across the street where they have a happy hour. Does that sound alright to you?
LH: 沒問題,那我們就在酒吧裡見!
LL: Excellent. I will see you for happy hour.
LH: 我今天有重要的事情告訴你。
LL: Important news? What sort of news?
LH: 天機不可洩露。You will just have to wait until we meet at the happy hour.
LL: Oh come on, you can’t call me up and tell me you have news and then leave me hanging all afternoon. We’re not meeting for a happy hour until 5:00, that’s a long time from now.
LH: 哈哈,我就是要調調你的胃口。
LL: It’s cruel! What about the topic at least?
LH: 跟我有關。
LL: You and ….?
LH: 跟我和學校有關,我只能告訴你這麼多了。
LL: Ok, that’s fine. I’ll see you for happy hour at five?
LH: See you then!
今天李華學了兩個常用語。一個是the ball is in your court意思是現在該你採取行動了。另一個是happy hour意思是酒吧傍晚前後的減價時段,同事朋友可以一起去喝東西。 (//www.dajiyuan.com)