


Souls Awakened









Every cell had a loudspeaker on the wall in Chatou.

While I was in Back Yard, the loudspeaker ceaselessly blared out the CCP propaganda at an eardrum-tearing volume during daytime; and at night, I suffered brainwashing in the video room.

During the time, a fellow practitioner in the next cell was on hunger strike. I heard from the watching-inmates’ talking that she had been on hunger strike for a few months perseveringly.

Morning, noon and night, three times a day, the guards, doctors and watching–inmates force-fed her by inserting a tube into her stomach from her nostril.

Every time before the force-feeding, the guards ordered the watching-inmates to close the Back Yard cells’ windows, and turned the volume of the loudspeakers up to the maximum, attempting to prevent the other Dafa practitioners from hearing the sound the brutal force-feeding produced.

Being imprisoned in a dark, tiny cell where the door and windows were tightly shut, forced to listen to the propaganda blared out at a crazy volume over a loudspeaker that slandered Dafa practitioners killed people all day long, day after day after day, there was an instant I suddenly felt ready to break down! I couldn’t endure it anymore!

At the moment I suddenly recalled what the Third Brigade chief and torturers once said to me, “We are not afraid at all even if you die or become deranged! We would just tell people Falun Gong did that to you!”

I instantly regained my senses and told myself, “I must in no circumstances be tortured to derangement by evil!! I must in no circumstances give evil a chance to slander Dafa!! I must be tough!! However tremendous the tribulations, I must break through them!!”
