


EU Switching to Energy-Saving Fluorescent Bulbs




1. light bulb: n. 燈炮

2. fluorescent :a.發光的、螢光的

3. incandescent :a.熾熱的

4. durable :a.經久的、耐用的

5. given :prep. 假如;考慮到

6. mercury :n.水銀

The European Union is replacing traditional light bulbs with fluorescent bulbs, to save energy. The fluorescent bulbs have a longer life and use less wattage.


It’s sparked many a joke — this time it could be: how many nations does it take to BAN a lightbulb? Answer: All of the European Union.


The EU has switched off the manufacture and import of the traditional 100 watt incandescent lightbulb — in use for a hundred and thirty years.


The ban makes way for long-life energy saving fluorescent bulbs which use four times less wattage.


But the editor in chief of Eco Test says the new bulbs are not as efficient as manufacturers claim.


[Juergen Stellpflug, Editor-in-Chief, “Oeko-Test”]:

“They are nowhere near as durable as claimed by the makers, especially as far as the so called switching capacity is concerned. When an energy saving lamp is constantly switched on and off, for example in the staircase, it might

only last for one year.”

[《生態測試》主編Juergen Stellpflug ]:


He also warned of the dangers involved in their disposal given their mercury content.



7. hazardous waste: n. 有害廢棄物

8. phase out: v. 逐步淘汰

9. demise :n.死亡;終止

10. LED(Light Emitting Diode) :n.發光二極管

11. repeal :v.撤銷;廢除

12. politician: n. 政治人物

[Juergen Stellpflug, Editor-in-Chief, “Oeko-Test”]:

“Because mercury is so dangerous, those lamps should be disposed off as hazardous waste only, but that is not really happening. More than 90 percent of energy saving lamps are just being dumped into the regular household waste.”

[《生態測試》主編Juergen Stellpflug ]


Incandescent bulbs will be fully phased out by 2012.


The European Commission estimates households could initially save up to 50 euros a year by switching.


However, some are already predicting their demise. Klaus Petri of Philips says fluorescent lights are not the future.

然而,有人已經預言了失敗結果。飛利浦Klaus Petri表示,日光燈並非未來的趨勢。

[Klaus, Petri, Vice-Head, Philips Germany Corporate Communications]:

“It will become more and more interesting in the next couple of years because the power will go up and the prices will come down. LED-technology will become cheaper and cheaper. The future of light is not the energy saving lamp. But in the long run, it will be LED, surely.”

[飛利浦德國企業溝通副總Klaus Petri]:


The United States is phasing traditional bulbs out in 2012. One U.S. Congress representative has since introduced the Light Bulb Freedom of Choice Act to repeal the legislation.


So, how many politicians does it take to change a light bulb?


