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Taiwan Awards Honor Chinese Pop Artists

1. pop artists:流行樂藝人
2. Golden Melody Awards:金曲獎
3. award ceremony: 頒獎賽禮
4. entry pool: 入圍
5. judge: 評審

Chinese pop artists from all over Asia walked the red carpet last Saturday at the Golden Melody Awards, just before the opening of the award ceremony in the Taiwanese capital, Taipei.

Out of an entry pool of over 10 thousand, judges came up 23 awards. Karen Mok, Tanya Chua, Jay Chou, and Gary Cao won some of the top awards.

6. attend: 出席
7. sign contract: 簽約
8. best male vocalist: 最佳男歌手
9. best female vocalist: 最佳女歌手

[Gary Cao, Singer]:
“My teacher, Tu Huei-yuan, cannot attend the ceremony today, he is in Beijing and slightly ill, but I believe he is watching TV. Thanks to Rock Records, because back then, no one would dare to sign contracts with Gary Cao, but only Rock Records. Thank you.”

Malaysian-born singer Gary Cao won for best male vocalist, while Singapore singer and song-writer Tanya Chua won for best female vocalist.

10. fans: 粉絲、歌迷
11. keep up: 保持
12. Canto-pop: 廣東流行藝術
13. best album: 最佳專輯
14. best band: 最佳樂團

[Tanya Chua, Singer]:
“I want to thank all the fans with their constant support, you are really my strength, I will keep up the effort. And I wish to thank the universe for bringing me to the world.”

Canto-pop star Karen Mok won best album for her album “LIVE is Karen Mok.”

[Karen Mok, Singer]:
“I don’t know if there will be another Mandarin album in the future, but even if this is my last album, I have no regrets. Thanks to Golden Melody Awards. Thanks to all the friends supporting me in Taiwan, thank you.”

Other winners include Jay Chou, who won best song for “Blue and White Porcelain,” and the Taiwanese band “Sodagreen,” who won best band.
其他的得獎人包括周杰倫,以“青白瓷”贏得最佳年度歌曲獎,還有台灣樂團 “蘇打綠”贏得最佳樂團獎。

The Golden Melody Awards is the most respected Chinese pop music awards show, and has been held annually since the early ’90s by the Taiwanese government.




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