


【大紀元5月21日訊】(大紀元訊)由「法輪功受迫害真相聯合調查團」及多個國際人權組織聯合發起的全球「人權聖火」 5月4日進入加拿大後,受到政府、民間、人權團體等多方的歡迎。近日,加拿大猶太人組織也為聖火傳遞發來賀信支持,並譴責中共違反人權的暴行。



信中譴責, 在中國,任何得不到政府許可的信仰都被壓制。而且經常是殘酷的壓制。目前,這包括基督徒、維吾爾穆斯林,西藏喇嘛和法輪功團體。在烏孜別克被中國抓捕的加籍人士Celil至今仍然沒有消息。

在國際上,中國致使其他的極權政府,如蘇丹、盧旺達,去殘害無辜;中國長期以來連同聯合國的伊斯蘭會議組織,長期妖魔化自由、和平的以色列,否認以色列的合法性, 而卻庇護人權侵犯者,不加以制裁。



加拿大猶太人組織建立與1875年以來,率先在反猶太主義,種族歧視,人權、以及在推動一些重大社會問題上做了許多工作,並提供重要的社會服務, 因此得到社會的尊重。


The Global Human Rights Torch Relay (HRTR) – B’nai Brith Canada Speech

B’nai Brith Canada is the independent voice of the Jewish community,

representing its interests nationwide to government, NGO’s and the wider

Canadian public.

Since 1875, it has been respected for its groundbreaking work on matters

relating to anti-Semitism, racism and human rights, its strong advocacy on

the pressing issues of the day, and the important social services it


Freedom of religion. Freedom of speech. Freedom of association. We are truly

blessed to live in Canada, a country that cherishes these fundamental


In China, any belief that is not officially endorsed by the government is

repressed. Often brutally. Today, this includes the Christian, Uyghur

Muslim, Tibetan Buddhist and Falun Gong communities. Huseyin Celil, a

Canadian Citizen abducted by China in Uzbekistan, is still missing from his

family and loved ones.

Internationally, China enables dictators to commit their atrocities in Sudan

and Rwanda. China consistently votes with the Organization of Islamic

Conference at the United Nations, a grouping of countries that regularly

attempts to demonize and de-legitimize the free and democratic State of

Israel while shielding true Human Rights violators from sanction. Terror

sponsoring regimes such as Iran and Syria should be internationally

isolated, but instead China supplies them with weaponry, putting countless

lives at stake.

The Jewish experience has all too often been that when we faced persecution,

we faced it alone. That is why, today, B’nai Brith Canada stands in

solidarity with all the victims of Chinese oppression around the world, who

yearn for the respect, tolerance and freedom that they deserve. We ask

China to improve its record of human rights, and respect for human life.

We thank the organizers and participants of the Global Human Rights Torch

Relay for making this event a success, and shining a light on some of the

worst human rights violations in the world today.
