
人氣 18

【大紀元3月23日訊】應廣大中國人民的強烈要求,正在全球接力傳遞的「人權聖火」3月23日開始傳入中國大陸,並於這一天直至8月間在全中國巡迴傳遞。數千萬遭受中共欺壓迫害、不滿腐敗暴政和追求自由公正人權的中國人將參與傳遞。在這一天,香港舉行了人權聖火進入中國大陸誓師大會及遊行,以下達賴喇嘛侄兒凱度頓珠(Khedroob Thondup)的錄音發言摘錄:








……I am president of the Tibetan Refugees Self Help Center in Darjeeling in India. I am very glad to be here today because I could be able to talk to you, and to tell you that I support the freedom torch for human right. I think human right is a very important essence of life, something which everybody takes for granted. But in many parts of China, people still do not know what human rights are, and the Chinese Government called human rights internal affairs. ……


……So in 1990, when we met Hu Jintao in Beijing, I asked him, why did you crack down all these Tibetans in Lhasa? He said, I was given the orders from Beijing, so I had no other choice. But this time, he is president of China, and he has given the orders to crack down on those innocent Tibetan inside Tibet. So you can see that the Chinese communist have no sympathy, they have no compassion for fellow human beings, because they are communist, they are atheist, they do not believe in religion.


……I call upon all of you to support the people’s movement which has risen up inside Tibet. What is this based on? Tibetan people are asking for their basic human rights. They are asking for freedom of religion, freedom to observe their religious practices, to preserve their culture, these are basic things! This is what Dalai Lama wants. He wants to see a form of genuine autonomy inside Tibet. That’s why today I want to tell you all that you see, human right is something which is very valuable. We who live outside of China, know and experienced human rights, no body can tell us what to do, and you can see we are all very happy. But then, we are so worried about our people inside Tibet and from other parts of China because they have no human rights.

That’s why today your torch of freedom is very important because this should be carried all over China and into Tibet. People should realize that their basic rights have to be looked upon, and the government of China has to now change their ways of handling people, people are more important, and people are not just belonging to them, like how they treat us like animals. We are not animals. We are human beings. Our rights are so important. That’s why even though this year is Olympics’ year, we strongly believe that Olympic should be held in Beijing because it’s an international event. But then, if Beijing continues to do these bad things inside China and inside Tibet, people will say, how can the Olympics be held in China when the regime is such nasty regime?

But I can tell you, historically, in 1936, the Nazi Germany held the Olympics. After 9 years, they collapsed. After the Moscow Olympics, 9 years after that, the Soviet Union collapsed. So I think you see, after Beijing held the Olympics, they will soon collapse, because they have to be accountable to the people who they rule, they have to be accountable to the people of China, they have to be accountable to the people of Tibet. ……But most importantly, remember, what the price we pay now, our future would be brighter because we need freedom. My wish very simply, I wish that one day China becomes democratic, and everybody can live happily in democracy.)(//www.dajiyuan.com)

中國泛藍聯盟:喜迎人權聖火 期盼民主蒞臨