

【讀者來函】主題: 薛乃印被捕

【大紀元3月19日訊】新西蘭署名J.Bullivant 的讀者來函的原文與翻譯如下。

Hello there Li Li,

I don’t know if anybody has written from New Zealand to congratulate the six Chinese people on their courageous act of capturing this alleged criminal, but I am sure that I speak for all New Zealanders who were appalled at his callous act of leaving a small child to fate and the alleged killing of his young wife, when I offer our heartfelt thanks and congratulations.

I am sure we will all be feeling relieved that justice will now be done. If possible could you pass this on to those six terrific citizens and to the Police as well for their efforts in returning this “person” to trial.

Best regards from New Zealand


我不知是否已有人從新西蘭寫信給這六位華人,恭喜他們勇敢捕獲嫌犯薛乃印的義行,但我很肯定當我向他們表達真誠的恭喜與感激時,我也是在替所有驚駭於薛嫌殺害年輕妻子與拋棄稚幼孩子的冷酷犯行的新西蘭人民發聲。我確信我們都將會因為如今正義獲得伸張而如釋重負。如有可能請將此心聲轉達給這六位了不起的華人以及警察當局,感謝他們將這個『人』送返法庭的努力。 獻上

