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Market Report – China Snows Hit Economy
Wed, 30 Jan 2008 10:04:00

Snow, ice and freezing temperatures. Chaotic winter weather is reeking havoc on China’s economy. Millions of people are suffering power cuts and water shortages in the winter chill.

Analysts say the current fuel shortages in more than half of China’s provinces are partially due to misplaced government policy. The state-controlled low electricity tariffs have left power generators running at a loss, with little excess funds to tackle the extreme weather. The electricity grid, a relic of earlier times, is collapsing under the pressure while limited market supplies are pushing up inflation.

Transportation is also taking a hit, as China’s roads, supplies and passengers are snowed under by the brutal winter weather.

Zhuang Jian, Senior Economist at the Asia Development Bank predicts that the snow will have a domino effect on other aspects of the economy.

[Zhuang Jian, Senior Economist at Asia Development Bank]:
“I think its comparable to the 1998 flooding or 2003 SARS and the past two crises had a great influence on the Chinese economy, of course it was a short term impact.”

Inflation in China already stands at an 11 year high, but many supplies are unable reach their destinations.

While state controlled fuel prices remain low, prices not under government control are set to rise.

China’s economy is experiencing an inconvenient truth–when disasters such as the extreme winter weather combine with failed government policy, many are left victims at the mercy of the market.


Snow, ice and freezing temperatures. Chaotic winter weather is reeking havoc on China’s economy. Millions of people are suffering power cuts and water shortages in the winter chill.

【講解】To reek means to send out vapor or fumes, usually with a strong unpleasant odor. “reek”可以當名詞,也可以當動詞。當名詞時就是水氣(vapor)、蒸氣(steam)或臭氣(a disagreeable odor);當動詞時就是“發散不好的臭氣”之意。

Havoc: Wide and general destruction; devastation. 廣泛與普遍的損害;重創。

所以 to reek havoc 也就是造成損害之意。

【原文】Analysts say the current fuel shortages in more than half of China’s provinces are partially due to misplaced government policy.

【講解】To misplace means to put in a wrong place. 所以 misplaced 就是錯放的、誤植的。

【原文】The state-controlled low electricity tariffs have left power generators running at a loss, with little excess funds to tackle the extreme weather.

【講解】 Tariff一般作“關稅”解,這裡是當“Any schedule of rates, charges, etc.”因此electricity tariff就是“電費費率”的意思。

To tackle means to solve, to settle, to cope with, to deal with. 因此“tackle”這個動詞就是解決、處理、應付之意。

【原文】The electricity grid, a relic of earlier times, is collapsing under the pressure while limited market supplies are pushing up inflation.

【講解】“ grid ” 一般當“柵欄”解,這裡是指“高壓線輸電系統”。英文解釋為:A grid is a system of high-voltage power lines serving a large area.

“relic” 就是遺跡、遺物、古跡之意。Historic relic就是古蹟。The electricity grid is a relic of earlier times. 就是說“高壓線輸電系統已是如同早期遺物一般非常老舊”。

【原文】Transportation is also taking a hit, as China’s roads, supplies and passengers are snowed under by the brutal winter weather.

【原文】Zhuang Jian, Senior Economist at the Asia Development Bank predicts that the snow will have a domino effect on other aspects of the economy.
【中譯】亞洲開發銀行的資深經濟學家Zhuang Jian預測,大雪將會對經濟的其他方面造成骨牌效應。

【講解】The Domino effect:when something, usually something bad, happens and causes other similar events to happen, like each of a set of dominoes knocking the next one over. 骨牌效應。

【原文】“I think its comparable to the 1998 flooding or 2003 SARS and the past two crises had a great influence on the Chinese economy, of course it was a short term impact.”

【原文】Inflation in China already stands at an 11 year high, but many supplies are unable reach their destinations.

【原文】While state controlled fuel prices remain low, prices not under government control are set to rise.

【原文】China’s economy is experiencing an inconvenient truth–when disasters such as the extreme winter weather combine with failed government policy, many are left victims at the mercy of the market.

【講解】“An inconvenient truth”就是前美國總統高爾所拍的紀錄片的片名:不願面對的真相。Convenient是“方便的”,那麼加上否定字首in-就是“不方便的”,Disadvantageous; giving trouble or annoyance; inopportune.

“An inconvenient truth”就是指不方便說的真相,說了會帶給人麻煩或讓某些人惱怒的真相,因此一般就譯成“不願面對的真相”,也有譯成“難以忽視的真相”。

At the mercy of: in the power of; defenceless against. 任由…擺佈;完全受…左右。



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