
流行美語 第266課

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美式足球超級杯那天,Larry要在家開party, 李華幫他做準備。李華今天要學兩個常用語,munchies和spread.

LL: I’m really excited about having a Super Bowl party, Li Hua. I just went to the store and bought lots of munchies, so we will have plenty to eat while we watch the football game.

LH: Munchies? 讓我看看?(翻塑料袋的聲音)。薯條、花生、開心果,I don’t see anything called “munchies.”

LL: Munchies is a general word for snacks or things to “munch” on, Li Hua. When watching a football game, I love to eat munchies like chips and pretzels.

LH: 噢,原來munchies是零食的意思!有不鹹的嗎?

LL: Yes, Li Hua, I do. In the refrigerator, I have some other munchies that I’ve prepared. I also made a vegetable tray and some sour cream dip.

LH: Wow, 你準備了這麼多東西! 看超級杯原來這麼重要啊!

LL: Watching the Super Bowl is something many Americans look forward to all year. And part of the fun is inviting friends over to watch the game and share some munchies.

LH: 這跟中國球迷看足球世界盃差不多。他們也是圍著電視機,邊吃邊看,熱鬧極了。

LL: Every body loves munchies. Speaking of munchies, are you hungry, Li Hua?

LH: 我確實有點兒餓了,不過我不想把這些零食打開,我們還是等客人都到了再說吧!

LL: Oh, don’t worry about it, Li Hua. There are plenty of munchies. Go ahead and open what you like.

LH: 那好,我先吃點花生,我最愛吃花生了。

LL: I’ve got a bad case of the munchies, too, Li Hua. But instead of peanuts, I think I’ll munch on some potato chips.

LH: A *case* of the munchies? 你拿的明明是一帶零食啊!

LL: When I said I have a case of the munchies, I meant I was really hungry for snacks.

LH: Well, I guess I have a case of the munchies, too, Larry. 這些花生真是太好吃了。

LL: The trouble with munchies is that once you start eating them – it is hard to stop.

LH: 那我們還是忍忍吧,可別把這些零食都吃完了,否則一會兒看球賽的時候就沒的吃了。


LL: Thanks for helping me put out the food, Li Hua. I hope this is enough of a spread for the Super Bowl party.

LH: Enough of a spread? 這又是什麼意思啊?你是說足夠大家吃的吧?

LL: A spread does refer to food, Li Hua – and specifically food set out on a table for a party. And the goal is to have lots of food!

LH: 你準備的可真夠豐盛的,That’s quite a spread, Larry. 你看,有薯條、花生、開心果、蔬菜、飲料、啤酒,真是應有盡有。

LL: Well, when one puts together a spread, Li Hua, you not only want there to be lots of food, but you also want the spread to look good.

LH: 所以說,spread不光是要準備充足的食物,還要擺放得整齊好看,讓人看了賞心悅目?

LL: That’s right. Like for this spread, I put the snacks in nice bowls, arranged the vegetables so they look attractive, and got these festive football napkins and cups.

LH: 太棒了,Larry。我知道,你這一桌子食物,從盤子到紙杯,到餐巾紙,都跟橄欖球有關,最適合超級杯的party了.

LL: Thanks, Li Hua. I’m glad you like it.

LH: Larry, 你準備這一桌子東西要花很多錢嗎?

LL: This spread wasn’t very expensive. But I have been to parties where the hosts clearly spent a lot of money on gourmet foods and expensive wines.

LH: 我還記得去年到市中心的一家大飯店去參加新年聯歡活動。They had quite a spread!

LL: I bet it was some spread. You know how much I like Chinese food.

LH: 那明年咱們一起去,你可以親眼看看!

LL: While the spread I put together isn’t as fancy as that, I just hope my friends will enjoy it.

今天李華學到了兩個常用語。一個是munchies, 是零食的意思。另一個是spread, 指豐盛的食物。(//www.dajiyuan.com)

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