
流行美語 第214課

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Larry和李華都對他們的朋友Dave感到很同情,因為Dave最近剛同他的女朋友分手。李華會學到兩個常用語:get a life和happy camper。

LL: Ever since Dave’s girlfriend broke up with him, Dave has been staying in his apartment doing nothing but playing video games and eating pizza. He really needs to get a life!

LH: 我也聽說了,自從Dave同女朋友分手後他成天災家裡玩電子遊戲,什麼事也不做。不過,Larry, 你說Dave needs to get a life, 我不太懂,他不是還活著,有生命啊。

LL: Well, when I said Dave needed to get a life I meant Dave needs to stop thinking about his old girlfriend and get on with his normal life.

LH: 我明白了。 你的意思是說他現在的生活不正常,頭不梳,臉不洗的,天天只吃pizza。他確實應當設法忘掉那女朋友,振作起來過正常的生活。

LL: Yes. The other day I told one of my co-workers in the office to get a life, too.

LH: 你怎麼老是讓人get a life? 你的同事又怎麼了?

LL: Well, this one person I work with complains all the time. No one ever does anything right, nothing is ever good enough, and she never has anything nice to say.

LH: 這種人我見得多了!他們對什麼事都不滿意,總是發牢騷。要跟這種人接觸多了,你也會被他弄得情緒低落的。

LL: Yeah, she was upset because the chairs around the table in the meeting room were not pushed in. I couldn’t believe she was bothered by something so minor, so I told her to get a life.

LH: 椅子沒放好, 她也不高興。 這種人呀,算了吧。讓她找點真正有意思的事做。 Larry,我有一個同學也需要get a life。他書不好好地念,可整天泡在酒巴裡。

LL: Well, Li Hua, at least we know that isn’t going to happen to you. You study all the time.

LH: 是啊, 我太用功了,只唸書,不休息,也不娛樂, 或許我也應當平衡一下- get a life。

LL: Oh, I wouldn’t worry about it, Li Hua. You are doing just fine. I don’t think you need to get a life. Li Hua, how about some ice cream?

LH: 不行,我在減肥,不能吃冰淇淋。

LL: Oh, come on, Li Hua, get a life!


LL: Have you seen Dave lately, Li Hua? He sure is a happy camper!

LH: 什麼?Happy camper,快樂的露營者?

LL: No, no. A happy camper is just someone who is really happy.

LH: 噢,A happy camper指的是很快活的人。Dave現在很快活嗎?

LL: Dave got back together with his girlfriend. And ever since then he’s been smiling and laughing.

LH: 難怪Dave最近笑口常開,原來和女朋友言歸於好了。 我真為他高興。

LL: I’m a happy camper, too. That woman who was always complaining at work got transferred to another office.

LH: 你辦公室那愛發牢騷的同事調走了啦?那太好了。 Larry ,看來你的運氣也很不錯。

LL: But I feel bad for the people who will be working with her. When they find out how much she complains, they won’t be happy campers.

LH: 那倒是,這種人走到哪裡,哪裡的人就倒霉。我有的時候想,這種愛抱怨的人能不能改變,也成為happy campers。 Larry , 我真希望跟你們一樣,也是個happy camper。可惜我有這麼多作業要改,高興不起來。

LL: Hey, I’ve got an easy way to solve this problem. Just give all your students A’s. Then they will all be happy campers.

LH: Larry, 你別出餿主意了, 給每個學生都打滿分,他們當然高興。可是這是欺騙,也不公平,這不是害了他們嗎?

LL: Li Hua, what would make you a happy camper?

LH: 那還不簡單!就是不改作業。

LL: Well, why don’t you put the grading off for a while and let’s go get some ice cream. I promise you’ll be a happy camper.

LH: 好吧,先不改作業,痛痛快快地吃一碗冰淇淋。.

今天李華學到了兩個常用語。 一個是get a life, 意思是改變一下生活的態度或方式。 還有一個是happy camper, 意思是快樂的人。(//www.dajiyuan.com)

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