

《中英對照讀新聞》 Hungary plans to turn jails into luxury hotels 匈牙利計畫將監獄改造為奢華旅館


Guests will be free to check out when they please if Hungary succeeds in converting its hulking jails into luxury hotels.


Keen to fill a hole in its budget and replace some of its overcrowded prisons with new facilities, the Hungarian government is talking to a Spanish firm interested in buying its jails in prime downtown locations.


Once home to some of the country’s most dangerous criminals, the star-shaped Csillag prison in the south-eastern city of Szeged is one jail that could be sold, with the proceeds used to build a more modern, humane prison in the suburbs.


“You could do marvels with that building,” said State Secretary Ferenc Kondorosi, who noted Hungary’s prisons have a 138 percent occupancy rate.

(司法部 )秘書長康多羅索說:「這棟建築可以創造奇蹟」,他並提及匈牙利監獄收容率達138%。

The government also plans to sell off Budapest buildings housing its ministries to create a new administrative district.



turn…into:片語,使…變成。convert…into,使…轉變為。例句:Tadpoles turn into frogs.(蝌蚪變成青蛙。 )

check out:片語,飯店退房;死亡。類似片語,check it out,意同take a look,即「看看吧」。例句:She checked out last week; the funeral is tomorrow.(她上週死了,喪禮明天舉行。 )

proceeds:名詞,收益,收入。proceed,動詞,繼續做,進行,開展。例句:After you clear customs and immigration, please proceed to the airport arrival hall.(當你通過海關與移民證照檢查後,請繼續前往走到機場入境大廳。 )
