


法輪功提倡的愛與承受的苦難 正如主耶穌那樣

丹尼爾‧馬隆尼(Daniel Maloney)先生,美國天主教大學大赦國際學生分部會長及政治系國際政治博士候選人。(麗莎攝影/大紀元)


各界對於2008奧運前中共沒有按申奧所言改善不良人權記錄﹐甚而加劇了人權迫害都紛紛表示關注。美國天主教大學大赦國際分部會長﹑也是政治系國際政治博士候選人丹尼爾‧馬隆尼(Daniel Maloney)來到華盛頓現場全程參加了集會活動﹐並發言支持人權聖火全球傳遞。在集會中他說﹕「這些法輪功修煉者所提倡的「愛」,正如我們的主耶穌基督所提倡的﹐他們所承受的苦難也像主耶穌那樣。奧運會必須在一個充分尊重人權的國家舉行﹐「人權災難」是中國政府必須在奧運會被應允來到中國之前要徹底糾正制止的。」






作為一個天主教徒,我深信人類生命是神聖的,從受孕到自然死亡。另一項天主教社會教導的根基性原則,就是作為「人的尊嚴」。引述大赦國際(Amnesty International) 在美東中區 會議的主題﹐亦即﹕「我們深信人性尊嚴﹗」「我們深信免受酷刑的自由是每一個人不可剝奪的權力。」

中國共產黨這幾年來折磨和殺害了十萬個它自己的人民。這些被關押的人沒有犯罪。他們都是良心犯。將近三分之二的那些被廣泛酷刑折磨的人都是法輪功修煉者。中共折磨那些信奉「真﹑善﹑忍」而為待人做事準則的人。這些修煉者所提倡的「愛」,正如我們的主耶穌 基督所提倡的﹐他們所承受的苦難也像主耶穌那樣。




Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am honored to join this Rally and stand with you to support the noble mission and messages of the global Human Rights Torch Relay: “Olympics and Crimes against Humanity can’t Coexist in China!”

As a Catholic I believe in the sanctity of human life from conception until natural death. Another foundational principle of Catholic Social Teaching is the Dignity of the Human person. To quote Amnesty International’s theme for its Mid Atlantic conference and say, “We believe in Human Dignity!” We believe that Freedom from torture is an undeniable right of every person.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has recently tortured and killed 100,000 of its own population. These people have committed no crime. They are prisoners of conscience. Nearly two thirds of those widely-spread tortured practice Falun Gong. The CCPs have tortured those who promote the principles of truth, compassion, and tolerance. They promoted love just as our Lord Jesus Christ and they suffered just as he did.

My religion also emphasizes the role of the family. We believe that family should be protected and helped when it is in need. In China the Communist Government may have recently broken one million such innocent families. The Olympics cannot be held in China when seven people a day die from torture. The Olympics must be held in a country where human rights are held to the highest importance.

This (Human Rights Atrocity) is something the government of China must correct and stop before the Olympics should be allowed to come to China.

