

美國習慣用語 第284講


今天要講的習慣用語由floor或者ceiling組成。Floor是「地板」,而ceiling解釋為「天花板」。好,讓我們由下而上來學吧。一棟房子的底層常常叫作the ground floor。在生意場上你很可能會聽到這樣的說法:get in on the ground floor。Get in on the ground floor並不簡單地解釋為「從底層進來」。讓我們聽一個例子來琢磨它的意思。

例句-1: He got in on the ground floor when he bought a lot of stock in a new computer company. People thought he was crazy but the company was a big success and now the stock is worth many times more.


聽了這段話我們能體會到get in on the ground floor在這句話中的含義是早期入股,取得優先地位。


我們今天學的第二個帶有floor這個詞的習慣用語是:mop the floor with。聽這個習慣用語你腦子裡大約會出現這樣的景象:用拖把擦去地板上的污跡。實際上mop the floor with描繪的卻是對手間的勝負高低。在運動場上常常會用到它。


例句2: This afternoon the New York Giants mopped the floor with the Washington Redskins. The score was 41-7, the biggest loss the Redskins had suffered in many years.


可見mop the floor with含義就是把對方打得一敗塗地。


接下來我們要轉移方向,學和天花板ceiling有關的習慣用語。Glass ceiling,玻璃天花板,必然是粗看似乎沒有,而實際上卻擋在上方的一層障礙。好,我們來聽一個例子,有個人在評論六名女律師控告她們所屬的律師事務所的事情。

例句3: I think these six women can certainly prove their firm has a glass ceiling: the firm has 19 senior partners and all of them are men. It’s hard to believe that they’ve never had even one woman lawyer qualified for a top spot there.

他說:我 認為這六名婦女一定能證實她們事務所,存在人為的陞遷障礙。這個事務所有十九名高級主管,全是男性。令人難以置信的是那裡的婦女誰也夠不上高昇的資格。

從這段話能體會到glass ceiling形像地表達了阻礙某些人陞遷的無形障礙。


我們還要學一個帶有ceiling這個詞的習慣用語:hit the ceiling。想像一下,如果一個人跳得百丈高,甚至碰到了天花板,那他一定是惱怒極了。好,我們來聽個例子。

例句4: When I got home and saw what my dog had done , I really hit the ceiling. The dog got up on my desk and chewed up the papers there, including a long report I was writing for my boss.


你一定能想像說話人當時火冒百丈,hit the ceiling就是這個意思。
