


今天我們來看一則犯罪新聞,有趣的是,在這則新聞中抓犯罪的人,本身也可能是違法犯罪者,而且是把維護法律的律師抓了起來。“律師”一般有兩種用法,一個是大家所熟知的lawyer,另一個就是本篇標題所用的attorney。其實還有一個字,叫做bar,但不用在人,如北京律師協會,就叫做Beijing Bar Association。

在專制威權的國家裡,掌握國家機器的政權(regime),常使用“顛覆國家政權”的罪名,來拘禁、控訴政治異議份子(political dissident),“顛覆”這個詞的英文就是“subversion”,煽動則是“incite”,因此煽動顛覆罪就是“inciting subversion”。“拘禁”則有兩個用法,一個就是動詞detain,另一個是動詞片語take into custody。

“控訴”若以動詞的形式用,英語新聞記者常用的字眼包括:accuse, allege, charge, indict, sue, prosecute等;如果是以名詞的形式用,最常用的就是on charge of +罪名;如果是以形容詞的形式用,最常見的就是alleged +罪名,我們譯成“涉嫌”某項罪名,如alleged corruption(渉嫌貪污), alleged embezzlement(涉嫌挪用公款)。

在以下的新聞中,我們可以學到的詞彙還有:rights defense(維權), house arrest(軟禁), publicity campaigns(宣傳活動),rolling hunger-strike(接力絕食),police harassment(警察騷擾)、trump up(捏造)等。好了,趕快來觀看這則新聞吧!

Attorney Gao Zhisheng Detained by the CCP


CHAN: Prominent Chinese human rights attorney Gao Zhisheng has been illegally detained by Beijing police.



Gao has put himself on the line, defending Chinese citizens ill treated by the Chinese Communist regime.


STORY: Gao was arrested and taken into custody on September 21. Gao’s defense lawyer Mo Shaoping, only recently found out about the charges of subversion against his client. Lawyer Mo says that up to now, police have refused to let him visit Gao.



[Mo Shaoping, Gao’s lawyer]: “The public security bureau did not inform me (the lawyer) and the family about Gao’s crimes and the punishment associated. This is against the law. This is not right. We believe this way of doing things are against the law.”


Gao has become one of the CCP’s top enemies after he defended Falun Gong practitioners, labor activists and human right activists.


Gao is part of a larger “rights defense” network, which seeks to expand citizens’ rights through courts and publicity campaigns.


Gao was detained by Beijing police in August. The Chinese regime often uses subversion laws to illegally arrest those who publish criticisms of the regime in print or on the internet. Gao had issued a public letter criticizing the Chinese government’s crackdown on Falun Gong.


Earlier this year, Gao organized a rolling hunger-strike to protest police harassment of political activists. He also helped campaign to seek the release of Chen Guangcheng, a blind activist sentenced to over four years jail in August on charges that critics said were trumped up by angry local officials.


Mo said that up to now police had refused to let him visit his client.

[Mo Shaoping, Gao’s Lawyer]: “The public security bureau said that because it involved state secrets, we couldn’t visit him. But inciting subversion is a public matter; you can’t do it in secret, so we’ll apply again to see him.”


Gao’s family is also under house arrest in Beijing.

高智晟的家屬,也在北京受到軟禁。 @
