


大家好!想要作百歲人瑞(centenarian)嗎?可以想像有人活到126歲嗎?這位人瑞剛過世(pass away),出生於1880年。


更讓人吃驚的是,古巴還有個女性居多的“120歲高齡俱樂部”呢!可惜他們沒有正式的出生證明(birth certificate),因此金氏世界紀錄中最長壽(longevity)的人,是現年116歲的一位美國婦女。


World’s Oldest Man Dies at Age 126


CHAN: The world’s oldest man has just passed away. Benito Martinez was reportedly 126-years-old.

STORY: The oldest Cuban on record passed away on Wednesday. He is registered as being born on June 19, 1880.


But Martinez had no birth certificate, and for this reason, wasn’t regarded as the world’s oldest man.


Guinness World Records says a 116-year-old American, Elizabeth Bolden of Tennessee, is the oldest known person alive.


Because he was so old, Martinez was the star attraction of Cuba’s 120-Club. Now that’s a group formed by resident Fidel Castro’s personal physician Eugenio Selman to promote healthy lives for Cuba’s elderly.

因為他這麼老了,馬丁尼茲是古巴120歲俱樂部中最吸引目光的明星。現在是由卡斯楚的個人醫師Eugenio Selman所組成的醫師團,來照料古巴的老年人。

The former sugar cane plantation worker had a weak heart and used a cane to walk, but did not wear glasses and his hearing was good.


He attributed his longevity to a healthy diet of fresh vegetables, some meat and only occasional consumption of alcohol.


[Benito Martinez, 2005 Interview]: “I don’t smoke, I don’t drink, I eat where there is rice and when there is no rice I eat sweet potato.”


A recent study shows more than 2,500 of Cuba ‘s 11.2 million inhabitants are over the age of 100, most are women. The study attributes the country’s high number of centenarians to going easy on alcohol but indulging in sex, cigars and coffee.


Martinez passed away in a hospital in central Cuban city of Ciego de Avila after several days in intensive care.

馬丁尼茲在古巴中部Ciego deAvila市的一家醫院中,接受密集加強治療,數天後過世。


這小段新聞中,有個句型可以學起來的,就是將某事歸因於某種原因:to attribute sth. to sth。例如:

The study attributes the country’s high number of centenarians to going easy on alcohol but indulging in sex, cigars and coffee.

在這一句中,還有一點要注意的是,but 並非作“但是”解,其實是“instead of”(而不是)的意思。

Indulge這個動詞也值得學習,它與engage, dedicate, devote都是“致力於”的意思,通常都會用反身代名詞的型式,如engage oneself in, dedicate oneself in, indulge oneself in, devote oneself to。

