


【大紀元1月21日訊】紐約州參議員魯本‧迪亞茲1月19日給 Cablevision Systems Corp. 公司的總裁兼CEO James L. Dolan 寫信﹐表達對無線電城音樂廳上演「同一首歌」演唱會的擔憂。Radio City歸Cablevision Systems Corp. 公司管轄和所有。迪亞茲參議員在信中說﹕










January 19, 2006

James L. Dolan

President & CEO/Chairman, MSG

Cablevision Systems Corp.

1111 Stewart Avenue

Bethpage, NY 11714

Re: Radio City Music Hall Event: The Same Song

Dear Mr. Dolan:

It has come to my attention by many New Yorkers and human rights advocates that a certain cultural show,“The Same Song 2006 USA East West Cultural Exchange” is scheduled to take place at Radio City Music Hall on January 23, 2006. I join them in their concerns.

The show’s program is said to highlight a particular song, for which the event is named, despite the fact that this song has been featured and used prominently in human rights violations that have and still take place in the People’s Republic of China.

Although the song reportedly enjoys popularity in China and is not outwardly critical of any particular group, it is a great source of trauma, pain and insult to many New Yorkers who are former victims of China’s religious, political and labor rights persecution.

As a matter of principle, I will not be attending “The Same Song” and an encouraging my colleagues to do the same.

The show’s underlying message through the use of this song strikes me as inconsistent with the values we as New Yorkers hold dear. It is my hope that Radio City Music Hall will reconsider its decision to host “The Same Song” event, and will return to it fine programming that has defined and enriched our City’s cultural heritage.


Senator Reverend Ruben Diaz

32nd Senatorial District(//www.dajiyuan.com)