


【大紀元8月11日訊】(大紀元記者宋惠編譯報導)大紀元是一個敢於說真話的非營利新聞媒體。尤其推出《九評共產黨》揭示有關中共欺騙和屠殺中國人民﹑同時給世界帶來巨大災難的歷史事實後,更引發世人退出中共的浪潮。 中共則利用各種手段不斷施壓禁止大紀元的發行,今年6月2日以來,馬來西亞當局即在中共的壓力下,數度扣押大紀元時報在馬來西亞的發行。

WAPC (世界新聞暨媒體議會協會)秘書長Gunasingam先生在獲知此訊息後,發出公開信給世界各非政府組織和馬來西亞所有的媒體,呼籲重視中共恐怖主義對馬國的危害,並呼籲各界支持大紀元這樣一個獨立媒體在全球的發行。




聽聞大紀元時報在馬來西亞遭到扣押,無法繼續傳播交換多樣意見。 大紀元也是一個阻止中國政府任何雙邊壓迫的非營利出版媒體。


1)支持大紀元在全球的發行。 包括香港及其他太平洋沿岸的亞洲國家如新加坡,韓國, 日本,台灣,蘇俄,印尼,菲律賓, 紐西蘭和澳大利亞。

2)以下文章轉自2005年5月6日太陽報(The Sun)有關副新聞部長Datuk Zainuddin Maidin的報導:



吉隆坡:我們國家有一些居民試圖粉飾共產黨的恐怖主義, 這是極大的錯誤。 副新聞部長Datuk Zainuddin Maidin昨天說:「其中一個方式就是藉由出版書籍推崇前共黨恐怖份子所聲稱的英雄。」 副新聞部長在他的辦公室接見了七位馬來西亞前陸軍聯盟的來訪後表示,陸軍聯盟正在和國防部合作為Warta RTM (譯者注:馬來西亞國營電視廣播電台)製作一個瞭解共產黨血腥恐怖的特別節目。 這個節目將從8月1日起每天播放,為期一個月。 Zainuddin說這個單元主要提醒年輕世代崇拜共產主義對國家的危害。


我想藉這個机會敦促馬來西亞政府根据國際人權宣言的的第19條款放寬馬來西亞媒體,允許馬來西亞媒體成立馬來西亞媒體議會。前任總理Tun Abdul Razak在1970年代早期曾討論過設立新聞議會的構想。 事實上,當時政府曾提供一塊地供蓋一棟獨立的馬來西亞媒體中心,將馬來西亞所有的媒體集中一起,可惜沒有繼續推動。

我知道部分媒體可能誤解這樣一個議會將剝奪新聞自由。 我希望提議中的馬來西亞媒體議會能經由立法通過。 依法訂定的獨立個體將更有效率並得到認可。 任何低於這個標準將容易因為無政府組織而很難發揮效果。 我可以提供馬來西亞政府和馬來西亞媒體來自不同國家有關新聞媒體議會的材料供諮詢。






R. Gunasingam MCES; MIPR,


Re: Consideration For a Free Flow Of Information Policy.

I bring Global Peace Greetings , Meilleurs vœux , Feliz Ano Nuevo from the World Press – Media Councils / World Media Community and UN – UNESCO NGOS in the hours of tragedy and suffering many countries in the world is experiencing and I seek your understanding for a Free Flow Of Information Policy with a need to maintain Peace & Harmony among the various races and cultures in Malaysia.

It is noted that The Epoch Times was withheld and unable to proceed with their circulation of this alternate , diversity opinion and a non-profit publication to prevent any bi-lateral constrain with the Government of China.

I bring to your attention and for your consideration : i) The Global Distribution & Circulation of The Epoch Times . This includes Hong Kong which is part of China and many countries in The ASIAN-PACIFIC Region including Singapore Korea,Japan,Taiwan,Russia,Indonesia,Philippine,New Zealand and Australia.

ii) The following article by Deputy information Minister Datuk Zainuddin Maidin THE SUN Friday, May, 6, 2005 :

“ Some out to make CTs look good”

KUALA LUMPUR: Some quarters in the country are wrongly trying to make the communist terrorists look good. Deputy information Minister Datuk Zainuddin Maidin said yesterday. “ One of the ways is by publishing books to revere former CTs as so-called heroes,”

He said after receiving a visit by seven members of the Malaysia Ex-Army Association at his office here. The Association is working with the ministry to produce a special segment of the brutality of the CTs for Warta RTM. It will be aired daily for a month from Aug.1 Zainuddin said the segment was to instill awareness among the younger generation on danger of the communist ideology to the country.

This confirms that there is a need for an alternate,diversity opinion and a non-profit publication like The Epoch Times.

I take this opportunity to urge The Government of Malaysia to relax media regulations as per Article 19 to enable The Malaysian Media Community to establish The Malaysian Media Council. The late Prime Minister Tun Abdul Razak mooted the idea of setting up a Press Council in Malaysia in the early 1970s. In fact during this period the Government offered a piece of land to build An Independent Malaysian Media Centre to bring all Malaysian Media groups under one roof , but there was no follow-up.

I note a section of the media community had skewed views that such a council would curtail press freedom. I hope the proposed Malaysian Media Council would be enacted by an Act of Parliament, similar to the PCI. “A statutory independent body will be effective and will earn its recognition. Anything less will be regarded as a non-governmental organization and will not serve its purpose. I am available for consultation to The Government of Malaysia and The Malaysian Media Community with Press- Media Council materials from different parts of UN continents. The attached materials of WAPC initiatives in Malaysia is self explanatory.

I hope you will encourage to circulate like The Epoch Times materials in Malaysia to develop a Culture Of Debate , Dialogue, and Critical Understanding of each others Issues on Priorities for The Future to avoid tragedy and suffering.

” Promote Global Peace , Global Understanding & Global Co-operation ”

Very truly yours,

10th Aug.2005

R. Gunasingam MCES; MIPR,

Secretary General – World Association of Press & Media Councils.