



China fights farmers off land for Olympic preparations


【講解】construction: 營造、營建,construction site就叫工地。


STORY: Construction covering 27.5 hectares began on Sunday and is scheduled to be completed by December of 2007.

【講解】1.hectare: 畝 2. complete: 這裡當動詞,完成。.


It will consist of apartments for athletes, buildings for Olympic Committees, public facilities for residential districts, service centers and underground parking lots.

【講解】1. consist of: 包含 2. athlete: 運動員 3. facility: 設施

4. residential district: 住宅區 5.parking lot: 停車場


China has launched numerous projects to prepare for 2008 Olympic Games which could turn out to be one of the most expensive in its history.

【講解】1.lauch: 開始、發動 2. turn out: 結果是 3. most expensive: 最昂貴的,這是最高級形容詞的寫法,多音節用most, 單音節的話加-est。



• China has launched numerous projects 主要子句

– to prepare for 2008 Olympic Games 不定詞片語表示目的

• which could turn out to be one of the most expensive in its history. 形容詞子句,主詞是Olympic Games

“People first” is the motto for the design of the Village, an ironic name for the Chinese farmers who have been forced off their land to make way for construction.

【講解】1. motto: 座右銘、格言。 2. ironic: 諷刺的 3. off their land: 離開他們的土地 4. make way for: 為…讓位,為…..讓路。


On June 16, several hundred farmers continued a 23-day sit-in at the site of a future venue for the 2008 Olympic Games, demonstrating against forced evictions and land grabs in the capital Beijing.

【講解】1. sit-in: 靜坐 2. venue: 發生地、集合地 3. eviction: 逐出、收回4. land grabs: 土地奪取



• On June 16, 第一組介係詞片語表時間

• several hundred farmers continued a 23-day sit-in 主要子句 S+V+O

– at the site of a future venue第二組介係詞片語表地點

–for the 2008 Olympic Games,第三組介係詞片語表目的

• demonstrating against forced evictions and land grabs 分詞片語

• in the capital Beijing.第四組介係詞片語表地點

China’s Communist leadership frowns on displays of dissent, but popular protests against land seizures are becoming increasingly common as the country’s breakneck development encroaches further into the countryside.

【講解】1. frown: 皺眉頭 2. display: 展示 3. dissent: 不同意、持異議4. popular protest: 民眾的抗議 5. land seizure: 土地奪取 6. breakneck: 非常危險的、極快的 7. encroach: 侵入



• China‘s Communist leadership frowns 主要子句S+V

– on displays of dissent, 介係詞片語表原因

• but popular protests 對等子句

• against land seizures 主詞的後位修飾

– are becoming increasingly common 現在進行式

– as the country‘s breakneck development 副詞子句encroaches further into the countryside.

On Saturday, six villagers were killed and 28 injured when hired thugs attacked farmers fighting to keep their land in northern Hebei province, domestic media reported.

【講解】1.hire: 雇用 2. thug: gangster, 流氓、暴徒 3.hired thug: 受雇的惡棍、流氓、暴徒


The skirmish was caught on video, footage from which shows men armed with pipes and shovels pummelling farmers as what sound like gunshots going off in the background.

【講解】1. skirmish: small scale of conflict, 小衝突 2. footage: 鏡頭 3. pipe: 水管 4. shovel: 鏟子 5. pummel:重擊 6. gunshot: 槍戰 7. go off: proceed, undergo, 進行


Protests at Maxingzhuang, a village of 2,300 people where most farmers grow corn and wheat, have not turned violent, but locals are getting restless.


【講解】1. grow corn and wheat: 種植玉米與小麥 2. restless: impatient, 焦躁不安,不得安寧


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