

David Lee
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He added, “The most pragmatic way to deal with cross-strait issues is to bridge the gap in democratic development and political system by expanding the
values of democracy and freedom across the strait, rather than to impel Taiwan further away from China through ‘undemocratic and unpeaceful means’.”


【講解】He added,很多人會理解為「他加上說,他補充說」,其實錯了,是指「強調」的意思。記者常用emphasize, add, stress, underline, underscore, highlight等表示強調。

「解決、處理、應付」,記者會使用solve, resolve, handle, settle, tackle, cope with, deal with, address, manage, implement。這一組字很重要,因為孫中山先生說:「政治就是管理眾人之事」,有眾人就會有眾多問題,就須要政治人物(politician)去解決、處理、應付。

Beijing views democratically ruled Taiwan as part of Chinese territory and has pointed an estimated 700 missiles at it to prevent a formal split. The two sides have been political rivals since the end of the Chinese civil war in 1949.


Anchor: China has recently passed legislation that authorizes the use of force against Taiwan should they officially declare their independence. Taiwan President Chen Shui-bian is urging the people of his country to take to the streets in protest.

STORY: Taiwan’s pro-independence ruling party plans to call half a million people on to the streets to protest against a Chinese bill that allows Beijing
to use force against the island if it pushes for statehood, party officials said on Thursday (March 10).

Chen’s party planned to mobilize 500,000 people around the island to join the rally to be held in Taipei on March 26, hoping to draw international attention to China’s threat, the DPP said.

The bill, viewed as a bid by China to deter Taiwan President Chen Shui-bian from formally declaring independence before the end of his term in 2008, posed an immediate threat to Taiwan.

The Chinese parliament is expected to pass the bill on Monday, which would allow the 2.5-million-strong People’s Liberation Army to thwart any independence bid by Taiwan.

At a dinner with members of the American Chamber of Commerce in Taipei on Thursday night, he talked about the lack of democracy in China as being the
main barrier between Taiwan and China but did not refer directly to the
anti-secession bill.

Chen said, “What has introduced uncertainty in the cross-strait relations is
not the determination of the 23 million people of Taiwan to pursue democracy
and freedom, but rather it is the other side’s reluctance to renounce resolving differences through violent means.”

He added, “The most pragmatic way to deal with cross-strait issues is to bridge the gap in democratic development and political system by expanding the
values of democracy and freedom across the strait, rather than to impel Taiwan further away from China through ‘undemocratic and unpeaceful means’.”

Beijing views democratically ruled Taiwan as part of Chinese territory and has pointed an estimated 700 missiles at it to prevent a formal split. The two sides have been political rivals since the end of the Chinese civil war in 1949.



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