


Junichiro Koizumi’s war shrine visits declared unconstitional



WONG: Visiting a national war shrine is unconstitutional for the Prime Minister of Japan, said the Osaka High Court on Friday.


本則新聞的標題: Junichiro Koizumi’s war shrine visits declared unconstitional

這裡同學們容易誤解的地方,一是把visits當作動詞,二是將declared 看成是主動。其實 visits在這是名詞,表示多次參訪。Declared是過去分詞,而不是過去式,其實是省略了be動詞are,表示被動語態。新聞標題都省略了be動詞。

Visiting a national war shrine是動名詞作為主詞,指「參訪靖國神社」這件事情,is unconstitutional 是違憲的。Constitution,憲法。Prime Minister, 首相,因為日本是君主立憲國家,有天王,行政首長就稱首相,像古中國皇帝之下稱為宰相,只是中國皇帝權力很大,天王則是不管事的。若是共和立憲制,則稱為總理。


The visits have proven to be controversial to many of the nations who previously fought with Japan, and who see the shrine as a memorial to the violence and power struggles of the early 20th century.


Controversial, 爭議性的,這是個重量級的新聞用字,名詞是controversy。小泉的參訪已證明是具爭議性的,誰有爭議呢?to many of the nations,對許多國家。後面是用who所引導的形容詞子句,進一步說明這些國家是與日本先前打過仗的,因此將神社視為對暴力與權力鬥爭的懷念。


STORY: Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi violated the constitution by visiting a war shrine, a Japanese court ruled on Friday (September 30).


主要子句 是說小泉違反憲法,為什麼呢?by visiting a war shrine,介係詞片語進一步說明。名詞rule原本是規則之意,這裡rule當動詞,在法庭新聞中作「判決」解釋,名詞則是ruling, 意旨判決,相當於verdict。


Koizumi’s repeated visits to Tokyo’s Yasukuni Shrine are a chief factor behind a deterioration in ties with China and South Korea.


這一句的主詞部份很長,是因為visits有前位修飾,也有後位修飾造成的。Koizumi’s repeated visits小泉屢次參訪,參訪那裡呢?用介係詞片語說明to Tokyo’s Yasukkuni Shrine,東京的靖國神社。簡單的說,主要子句就是:Koizumi’s repeated visits are a chief factor. 小泉屢次參訪是一項主要因素,是第二種句型S+V+SC的型態。

什麼因素呢?behind a deterioration, 在一項「惡化」背後的主要因素,動詞deteriorate, 是新聞中蠻重要的字,另一個用字是worsen,但這個字就沒有名詞用法。什麼東西「惡化」呢?in ties with China and South Korea 在與中國與南韓的關係惡化。ties, 可不是領帶喲,是relations的意思。


Many in Asia see the shrine as a symbol of the militarism that led to Japan’s invasion of much of the continent in the early 20th century.


Many in Asia see the shrine as a symbol of the militarism. 許多亞洲人視神社是軍國主義的象徵。後面that子句是名詞還是形容詞子呢?答案是形容詞子句,that是關係代名詞。還原成完整的句子就是:

The militarism led to Japan’s invasion of much of the continent.        軍國主義導致日本侵略這大洲的許多地區。


Kyodo said some of the 188 plaintiffs, who were appealing a rejection of their case by a lower court, were from Taiwan, which Japan occupied for 50 years until the end of World War Two.


Kyodo News是日本共同社新聞,好像台灣的中央社Central News Agency, 美國的路透社Reuters。Plaintiff是原告的意思,相當於the accuse;被告是defendant,相當於the accused。Appeal是上訴的意思,reject是拒絕,但在法庭新聞中當作「駁回」,另外一個記者常用來表答駁回的字是dismiss。


Some of the 188 plaintiffs were from Taiwan. 188名原告中的一些是來自台灣。 這是主要子句。The 188 plaintiffs were appealing a rejection of their case by a lower court. 這188名原告正在對他們被低階法庭駁回的案子進行上訴。這是主詞some of the 188 plaintiffs之後的插入句,進一步說是這188名原告作了些什麼。

Japan occupied Taiwan for 50 years until the end of World War Two. 日本佔領台灣達五十年之久,直到二次世界大戰結束。這一句是進一步說明台灣如何,which在這兒是作為關係副詞,說明台灣這個地點。

以上三句「合成」為一句,就成了文中的長句了,其結構是: S, 闗係子句, +V+SC, 關係子句。


Taiwanese aboriginal lawmaker Kao-chin Su-mei said: “So I would like to ask Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi to adhere to the constitution and not visit the Yasukuni shrine.”


aborigine, 原住民;aboriginal, 原住民的。高金素梅是台灣一位singer-turned-lawmaker由歌星轉變成的立委。許多年前她開婚紗公司遭祝融肆虐,有員工被燒死,因而惹來官司纏身;後來又得了癌症,可說是禍不單行。但後來抗癌成功,並以原住民身份參加立委選舉,在原住民立委保護名額下因高知名度當選。最近還跑去念大學,以彌補高中學歷的不足。像這樣也算一號傳奇人物了!

adhere to 堅持,to insist on, to hold fast, to stand on。


Koizumi has said his visits to the shrine were made as a private citizen, a view backed by the Tokyo High Court in a ruling on a separate case on Thursday.


這一句稍微複雜些,小泉說他參訪神社,是以私人的身份前往,his visits were made as a private citizen, 這是用被動語態表答的。

這個觀點 a view 是受到東京高等法院所支持的,backed by the Tokyo High Court是個分詞片語,如果我們寫完整就是:A view was backed by the Tokyo High Court.

其後再接三個介係詞片語傳遞附屬訊息,in a ruling, 在一項判決中,on a separate case, 在一項分案中(分開來的案件),on Thursday,在週四。


The prime minister has not made clear whether he will visit the shrine this year, repeatedly saying only that he will “make an appropriate decision.”


The prime minister has not made clear首相尚未表明,這裡其實省略了一個虛受詞it代表後面whether子句引導的真受詞:

The prime minister has not made it clear +whether子句

這是S+V+O+OC的基本結構,因為受詞whether子句 太長,所以移至句子最後,受詞就用it代替。

Wh疑問詞所引導的子句都是名詞子句,所以後面也都有完整的句型結構。Whether he will visit the shrine this year, 是否今年他將參訪神社,後面repeatedly saying only是個分詞片語,只是反複說。說什麼呢?that 所引導的名詞子句作為小泉說的內容:he will “make an appropriate decision.”他將會作一項適當的決定。


