









以下是保護記者委員會(CPJ)提供的背景材料 :




趙岩的助手們推測,他是被作為泄密源而受審查的。但是,《紐約時報》的外事編輯蘇珊.奇拉(Susan Chira)說,趙只是該報研究人員而非記者,也不是這一信息的來源。




– 表達對拘留新聞工作者趙岩的嚴重關切;

– 尋求保證趙岩在拘留中不受虐待,并得到醫療保健、法律代理和親屬探訪;

– 呼吁立即無條件釋放趙岩,如果他的被拘有違《聯合國人權宣言》第19條。


中華人民共和國司法部長張福森閣下(中國北京朝陽區朝陽門南大街10號 )



RAN 43/04

CHINA: Serious concerns about the detention of journalist Zhao Yan; fears ofill-treatment.

The Writers in Prison Committee of International PEN is seriously concernedabout the detention of journalist Zhao Yan, news assistant at the Beijingbureau of the New York Times and former reporter for China Reform magazine,who was arrested on 17 September 2004. Zhao was charged on 21 September 2004with ”providing state secrets to foreigners” for an article published inthe New York Times on 7 September 2004 revealing Jiang Zemin’s retirementfrom the position of Chairman of the Central Military Commission and thetransfer of leadership to President Hu Jintao. The article preceded theofficial announcement about Jiang’s retirement, which was made on 19September 2004. Zhao Yan is thought to be under investigation as the sourceof the leak, and issaid to be held incommunicado.

The following background is provided by the Committee to Protect Journalists(CPJ):

Zhao was detained in Shanghai on 17 September. Zhao’s lawyer Mo Shaoping hasbeen unable to contact him, according to international news reports, andauthorities have not responded to inquiries by the “New York Times” aboutthe reason for his arrest.

On 21 September, Zhao’s family received a notice from the Beijing StateSecurity Bureau accusing Zhao of “providing state secrets to foreigners,”according to international news reports. Mo said these allegations couldlead to a charge of treason, a crime punishable by execution.

The arrest followed an article in the “New York Times” revealing JiangZemin’s plan to retire from the position of chairman of the Central MilitaryCommission. The 7 September article preceded the official announcement ofthe final transfer of leadership to President Hu on 19 September and citedunnamed sources with ties to leadership.

Zhao’s associates have speculated that the journalist is under investigationas the source of the leak. But “New York Times” foreign editor Susan Chirasaid that Zhao, who worked as a researcher for the newspaper and not as areporter, was not the source of this information.

Zhao began working at the “New York Times” in May after he was forced out ofhis job as a reporter for “China Reform” magazine. Police harassed Zhao onmultiple occasions in 2004 after he reported aggressively for theBeijing-based magazine on government abuse of peasants across China. InJune, police raided Zhao’s family home. According to the New York-basedorganization Human Rights in China, the raid startled Zhao’s elderlyfather and precipitated a decline in his health; he died a few days later.Zhao has also worked as a political activist.

International PEN fears that Zhao Yan may be at risk of ill-treatment indetention, and seeks immediate assurances that he is being treated humanelyand given access to any necessary medical care as well as family visits andlegal representation. PEN calls for Zhao Yan’s immediate and unconditionalrelease if he is held solely for the legitimate practice of his profession,in accordance with Article 19 of the United Nations Universal Declaration ofHuman Rights.

Please send appeals:- expressing serious concern about the detention of journalist Zhao Yan;- seeking assurances that he is not ill-treated in detention, and isgiven access to medical care, legal representation and his family;- calling for his immeidate and unconditional release if held inviolation of Article 19 of the United Nations Universal Declaration of HumanRights.

Appeals to:His Excellency Hu JintaoPresident of the People’s Republic of ChinaState CouncilBeijing 100032P.R.China.

His Excellency Zhang FusenMinister of Justice10 Chaoyangmen Nandajie Chaoyang-quBeijing-shi 100020P.R.China.

Please note that fax numbers are no longer available for the Chineseauthorities, so you may wish to ask the diplomatic representative for Chinain your country to forward your appeals.

Please copy appeals to the diplomatic representative for China in yourcountry if possible.

For further information, please contact Cathy McCann at International PENWiPC,9/10 Charterhouse Buildings, Goswell Road, London EC1M 7AT, U.K. Tel: +44(0)207 253 3226, fax: +44 (0)207 253 5711, email: cmccann@wipcpen.org(//www.dajiyuan.com)

披露江澤民辭軍委主席 紐約時報北京助理被捕
國際保護記者委員會  致函胡錦濤促放趙岩