

人氣 1


明年是猴年,這是個幸運的屬相, 猴子能抓住和利用好一切机會,我們應向猴子一樣,抓住生活賦予我們的一切机會:其實,這就是幸運和成功的真諦。





Greeting from Hong Lim MP

I should like to wish all Epoch’s staff and readers my best wishes for a lucky and prosperous Chinese New Year.
This coming year is the Year of the Monkey, a lucky creature, well able to make the most of opportunities that present themselves to him.
Just like the Monkey, we need to seize the opportunities that life presents to us: this is the true essence of luck and success in life!
As we all know, how we begin the year predicts the way the rest of the year will turn out. At this time of year, we eat lucky food, wear lucky red clothes and clean our houses from top to bottom to get rid of any bad luck before the New Year begins.
We should also remember to open our hearts and minds, and cleanse them of any bitterness or regrets.
Let’s all approach the New Year with an open heart and an open mind so that we can enjoy a happy and prosperous Year of the Monkey!

With very best wishes from Hong Lim MP
State Member of Parliament for Clayton


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