

歌詞:大唐的記憶 (中英文)



千年的流韻 千年的迷離 千年的徘徊 千年的嘆息

渭城朝雨新 陽關故人離 長歌古道行 大唐遺夢尋

渭城朝雨新 陽關故人還 長安今又現 大法度唐人

Memory of the Great Tang Dynasty

Lyrics: Dafa Disciple in North America

Thousands of years of rhymes

Thousands of years of feeling lost and confused

Thousands of years of wandering up and down

Thousands of years of empty sighs

A new rain has fallen in the city

I have left old friends behind

As I walk down the ancient road singing

I search for the dreams of old that I left behind during the Tang Dynasty

A new rain has fallen in the city

I am returning to my old friends

The ancient capital of Chang’an is once again in front of me

Dafa is bringing salvation to people of the Tang Dynasty

