【看川普推特學英文】死亡率高峰將至 川普籲齊心度難關(影音)
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
Throughout this great national struggle, the American people have embodied the unrivaled patriotism and willpower that has led America to conquer every challenge — every single one, in our nation’s history.
More than 90% of Americans say they are staying home as much as possible, putting their lives, their careers, their educations, and their dreams on hold out of devotion to their fellow citizens, and to their country.
Social distancing, that’s the way you win.
These shared sacrifices are pulling our nation together like never before.
Family bonds are strengthening. Neighbors are looking after neighbors. It’s incredible.
I’m seeing, you’re seeing, everybody’s seeing what’s happening.
Communities are rallying for the cause, and all divisions are fading away.
The Americans of every background are uniting to help our nation in this hour of need.
The peak of this virus’ death rate is likely to hit in two weeks.
We MUST stay the course and keep following the guidelines.
“Nothing would be worse than declaring victory before the victory is won.”
— The White House (@WhiteHouse)
I want the American people to know that your selfless, inspiring, valiant efforts are saving countless lives. You are making a difference.
The modeling estimates that the peak in death rate is likely to hit in two weeks.
So, I will say it again. The peak, the highest points of death rate, remember this, is likely to hit in two weeks.
Nothing would be worse than declaring victory before the victory is won.
That would be the greatest loss of all.
Therefore, the next two weeks, and during this period, it’s very important everyone strongly follow the guidelines.
● embody,動詞/ɪmˈbɑː.di/展現
英解:to represent a quality or an idea exactly
例句:His paintings embody the very essence of the immediate post-war years.(他的畫體現了戰後初期的本質。)
用法:也可以翻譯成「包含」(include),例如:Words embody thoughts and feelings.(字涵蓋了想法與情感。)
● unrival(l)ed,形容詞/ʌnˈraɪv(ə)ld/無與倫比的
英解:better than any other of the same type
例句:The grassland scenery of Tibet is unrivaled.(西藏的草原風光無與倫比。)
用法:The hotel Lalu at Nantou, Taiwan enjoys an unrivaled position overlooking Sun Moon Lake.(台灣南投的涵碧樓飯店享有絕佳的地理位置,直接俯瞰日月潭。)
● patriotism,名詞/ˈpætriəˌtɪz(ə)m/愛國主義
英解:strong feelings of love, respect, and duty towards your country
例句:The soccer fans indulged their patriotism, waving flags and singing songs.
用法:patriotic(愛國的),例如:On days of national holiday we had a parade, marching up and down and singing patriotic songs.(在國慶時節,我們會遊行,沿路唱著愛國的歌曲。)
● put (something) on hold,動詞片語,暫緩
英解:to pause, postpone, or suspend an activity.
例句:We have to put the sales on hold while we figure out why the website keeps crashing.(在我們弄清楚網站為何持續當機前,我們必須暫停銷售。)
用法:如果是put+人+on hold,指的是「在電話線上等待」,例如:The bank always puts you on hold when you try to get through to them.(當致電銀行時,我們常碰到等待狀態。)
● devotion,名詞/dɪˈvəʊʃ(ə)n/貢獻
英解:to spend a lot of time or effort doing something
例句:He’s devoted most of his time to his painting.(他把大部分時間都花在繪畫上。)
用法:devote sth to sth or sb.(將…花在…上),例如:John has devoted himself to practicing Falun Dafa in his life time.(約翰畢生致力於法輪大法的修煉。)
● look after,動詞片語,照顧
英解:to take care of someone or something and make certain that they have everything they need
例句:It is a tradition that the young look after the old in their family.(年輕人照顧老年人是他們家族的傳統。)
用法:look ahead(往前看,有預做計畫、打算之意),例如:The past is past. Let us look ahead.(過去就讓它過去了。讓我們向前看。)
● rally,動詞/ˈræl.i/召集(團結)
英解:to come together in order to provide support or make a shared effort
例句:The president has called on the people to rally to the government.(總統呼籲人民與政府團結一致。)
用法:rally也是一種長距離賽車比賽的名稱:「拉力賽」或「公路賽」,例如:He knows how to corner without disaster and is quite a rally driver on the sharp bends.(這位拉力賽車手非常擅長於轉彎處過彎,有彎道殺手之稱。)
● division,名詞/dɪˈvɪʒ(ə)n/各處室、部門
英解:parts of organization
例句:Which division of the company do you work in?(你在公司的哪個部門工作?)
用法:動詞divide /dɪˈvaɪd/分組、分開,例如:I want to divide all the students into small discussion groups.(我想將所有學生分成小組討論。)
● valiant,形容詞 /ˈvæl.i.ənt/英勇的(大膽的)
英解:very brave
例句:Every dog is valiant at his own door.(每隻狗都在自家門前表現出勇猛的樣子。)
用法:同義字:bold, heroic, daring, plucky, gutsy, lion-hearted etc.
● declare,動詞/dɪˈkler/宣布
英解:to announce something officially
例句:The government may declare martial law in response to the latest violence in the region.(因應該地區最近發生的暴力事件,政府可能宣布戒嚴。)
用法:另一個意思作「申報」,例如:If you have nothing to declare, go through the green channel.(如果你沒有東西要申報,請走綠色通道。)
● Social Distancing (社交距離)
● 武漢肺炎持續發燒,台灣防疫不斷獲得國際社會肯定,你覺得哪裡做得不錯,哪裡仍有改善空間,試分享之?
● 試討論原因?你覺得為何病毒疫情會集中在義大利、西班牙等歐洲或西方國家大爆發並失去控制?常言道,「不經一番寒徹骨,哪得梅花撲鼻香」,人生當中充滿著挑戰與挫折、矛盾與衝突,不會總是平步青雲、順順利利。
相關單字:thumbs up(名詞,肯定)、pros and cons(名詞,優缺點)、concentrate in(動詞,集中)、out of control(形容詞,失去控制)、defeat(名詞,挫折)、well-controlled(名詞,順利)