【大紀元2020年11月08日訊】(大紀元記者徐簡綜合報導)川普(特朗普)團隊表示將從下週一(11月9日)開始,將在多個州啓動一系列的法律訴訟,誓言揭露大選舞弊,維護美國人民的權利。之前民主黨總統候選人拜登(Joe Biden)自行宣布他當選了美國總統。
川普11月8日發推文,痛斥涉嫌大選舞弊的民主黨人士「我們相信這些人是賊,大城市的(國家)機器已腐敗,這是一次被竊取的選舉。 英國最好的民意調查機構今早表明,這次選舉顯然是被盜竊了,無法想像拜登在某些州超過了奧巴馬。」
“We believe these people are thieves. The big city machines are corrupt. This was a stolen election. Best pollster in Britain wrote this morning that this clearly was a stolen election, that it’s impossible to imagine that Biden outran Obama in some of these states.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
「重要的是,他們偷了他們必須要偷的東西。」川普回應美國前眾議院議長金里奇(Newt Gingrich)說。金里奇在接受福克斯採訪時說,自己從政60多年,從來沒有像現在這樣憤怒,整個國家機器都腐敗了。
在這個推文之前,川普還引用在一系列引用刑事辯護律師喬納森·圖利(Jonathan Turley)的話說,「我們應該看看選票,我們才剛開始制表階段,應該看看這些(舞弊)指控。 我們看到許多涉及選舉欺詐行為的書面證詞,我們這個國家有選舉問題是有歷史的,最高院的裁決強制賓夕法尼亞州分開立法截止日期之後收到的選票。這需要阿里托大法官(塞繆爾·阿利托,Samuel Alito)的干預,那關係到一大批選票。」
“We should look at the votes. We’re just beginning the tabulation stage. We should look at these allegations. We’re seeing a number of affidavits that there has been voter fraud. We have a history in this country of election problems. In Pennsylvania you had an order by a…
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
….how these ballots were authenticated, because if there’s a problem in the system about authentication, that would seriously affect the ENTIRE ELECTION – And what concerns me is that we had over a hundred million mail-in ballot in cites like Philladelphia…
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
責任編輯:高靜 #