【看川普推特學英文】帕克蘭校園槍擊案周年 校園安全怎麼說?
One year ago today, a horrific act of violence took the lives of 14 students and 3 educators in Parkland, Florida. On this somber anniversary, we honor their memory and recommit to ensuring the safety of all Americans, especially our Nation’s children…
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
● horrific,形容詞/həˈrɪf.ɪk/非常可怕的
英解:very bad and shocking
例句:A horrific accident just happened on the highway 60.(60號高速公路上發生了嚴重的事故。)
用法:horrify,動詞,震驚。This news horrified my parents.(這消息令我父母震驚。)
● violence,名詞/ˈvaɪə.ləns/暴力行為
英解:actions that are intended to hurt people
例句:It seems that the attack was a random act of violence.(該攻擊事件,似乎是一次隨機暴力行為。)
用法:violent,形容詞,暴力的。Some scenes are violent and may disturb younger viewers.(有些場景很暴力,可能會給年輕觀眾負面影響。)
● educator,名詞/ˈedʒ.ə.keɪ.t̬ɚ/教育工作者
英解:a person who teaches people
例句:The man who can make hard things easy is the educator.(能使事情變得容易的人是教育者。)
用法:educate,動詞,教育。A small number of children are educated at home.(少數兒童在家接受教育。)
● somber,形容詞/ˈsɑːm.bɚ/嚴肅的
英解:serious and sad
例句:The funeral was a sombre occasion.(葬禮的場合很嚴肅。)
用法:英式拼法為sombre,a sombre atmosphere/voice/face (嚴肅的氣氛/聲音/臉)
● honor the memory,懷念(某人的)過去
英解:missing and respecting someone’s past
例句:You can honor the memory of a deceased loved one by bringing flowers to their grave.(你可以帶些鮮花到已故親人的墳前,懷念他們。)
用法:honor,動詞,感到榮幸。We are honored (= proud and happy) to have you here tonight.(今晚有您的蒞臨,我們深感榮幸。)
● recommit,動詞/ˈrikəmɪt/再次承諾
英解:to promise again
例句:The re-elected government must recommit itself to improving healthcare.(該連任政府必須重申努力改善醫療保健服務。)
用法:re-字首,有「再一次」的意思。commit,動詞,「犯(錯)」,Ben was sent to prison for a crime that he didn’t commit. (班他蒙冤入獄。)
● ensure,動詞/ɪnˈʃʊr/保證
英解:to make something sure to happen
例句:The company’s only concern is to ensure the safety of its employees.(公司最在意的是員工安全。)
用法:to ensure…= to make sure…= to guarantee… = to confirm
● continued,形容詞/kənˈtɪn.juːd/持續的
英解:still happening, existing, or done
例句:The continued lack of rain is starting to worry people.(持續缺雨的現象,讓人們開始擔憂。)
用法:continue,動詞,繼續。Football’s popularity continues to grow.(足球的受歡迎度繼續增長。)
● strength,名詞/streŋθ/力量
英解:the ability to do things that need a lot of physical or mental effort
例句:You must eat to keep your strength up.(你必須吃,才能保持你的體力。)
用法:strengthen,動詞,加強。Aerobic exercise strengthens the heart.(有氧運動能夠增強心臟健康。)
● healing,形容詞/ˈhiːlɪŋ/可治癒的
英解:to become well again
例句:According to local lore, the water has healing properties.(根據當地的傳說,水具有治療功效。)
用法:heal,動詞,治療(癒)。A broken heart takes a long time to heal.(受傷的心需要長時間才能癒合。)
● as a result of,因為
英解:because of
例句:Many workers will lose their jobs as a result of company cutbacks.(因為公司裁員,許多員工將失去工作。)
用法:同義的有:on account of = due to = owing to = in the light of
● 道格拉斯高中槍擊案
2018年2月14日發生在美國佛羅里達州帕克蘭市,瑪喬麗.斯通曼.道格拉斯高中(Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School)的大規模槍擊事件。事件造成17名學生和教職員工遇害,另有多人受傷,其中至少14人被送往醫院,因而成為美國歷史上死傷最嚴重的高中槍擊事件。
● 校園暴力事件可能有哪些?
● 身為學生或教職員的你,如何有效預防或制止校園暴力事件?
● 如果你是美國人,為了防範或遏止校園槍擊事件,請問你會支持「槍枝管制」或是「擁槍自重」?