


人世間是一個其大無朋的舞台。各種不同劇情的戲劇,總是無時無刻都在上面演出。 演員則為生活其間的各種各樣的人。他們飾演著各種角色。






2011/11/7 金門日報副刊文學

The Role  Hsu ChiCheng

The mortal world is a gigantic stage. The play of every plot plays every hour and moment. The actor is the people who live among it. They play the part of the role.

For the play, the role is the most importance except for the plot, the story. The play will not only fall, but also not to be a play entirely while they are no role.

The role, may be the red face, the black face, the white face, may be the official loyal to his sovereign, the treacherous courtier, may be the good people, evil man, may be the man of noble character, the little people, may be the farmer, the labourer, the fisherman, the merchant, the gentry, the teacher, the office attendant, the soldier, the boss, may be the man, the woman, the age, the child, the able-bodied man, the youth, the teen-ager, may be the rich man, the poor, may be the protagonist, the minor role, may be the bridegroom, the bride, may be the old hand, the novice, may be the beauty, the ugly…what they play, often touches people to be weep, to be laugh, to be tear, to be lament, to be joyous, to be hate, to be anger, to be sadness, to be cherish, to be love, to be ill feeling, to be sigh…

In fact, the mortal world is just a great stage offered by Creator; all play in any plot can be played on it, want to play any role is also including. Every one is the writer of the play, director and actor. Every one is the creator and dominant of his destiny.

Then, what part of the role do you want to play in the plot of your play?

Wishing you can play in the comedy! And no matter the role is thin or heavy, is big or small, choice the right and bright role to play, the special important thing is, you must earnestly to play it into success! @
