本專欄應讀者要求,特別以彭斯(白宮官方帳號@VP,Vice President縮寫)的相關推文作為題材,同時節錄了中華民國總統蔡英文的回應。
A Chinese naval vessel came within 45 yards of the USS Decatur as it conducted freedom-of-navigation operations in the South China Sea. The will continue to fly, sail & operate wherever international law allows & our national interests demand. We will not be intimidated.
— Vice President Mike Pence (@VP)
● naval [ˋnev!],形容詞,海軍的,軍艦的,船的。
● vessel [ˋvɛs!],名詞,船,艦,飛船。
● intimidated [ɪnˋtɪmə͵detɪd],形容詞,害怕的,受到恐嚇的,為動詞 intimidate [ɪnˋtɪmə͵det],威脅、脅迫的過去式與過去分詞。
. Trump’s leadership is working, and China wants a different American President. China is meddling in America’s democracy. As Trump said just last week, we have “found that China has been attempting to interfere in our upcoming midterm election.”
— Vice President Mike Pence (@VP)
●「@POTUS」(President of the United States縮寫)為2015年,白宮為美國總統設置的官方推特帳號,會隨著白宮易主而換主人,目前有2,430萬追隨者。不過川普更喜歡自己經營已久的帳號@realDonaldTrump,截至10月25日,該帳號有5,530萬追隨者。
● meddle [ˋmɛd!],動詞,干涉(+in/with)。
● interfere [͵ɪntɚˋfɪr],動詞,介入、干涉(+in/with);接 with時,還有妨礙、抵觸之意。
Beijing has extended a lifeline to the corrupt & incompetent Maduro regime in Venezuela, pledging $5 billion in questionable loans to be repaid with oil. China is also that country’s single largest creditor, saddling the Venezuelan people with more than $50 billion in debt.
— Vice President Mike Pence (@VP)
● extend [ɪkˋstɛnd],及物動詞,延伸,伸出;不及物動詞,伸展、擴大、延續。
● regime [rɪˋʒim],名詞,政體,政權,統治。
● Venezuela [͵vɛnəˋzwilə] ,國家名,委內瑞拉。
● pledge [plɛdʒ],動詞,保證給予,承諾,發誓。
● saddle [ˋsæd!],及物動詞,給(馬背)裝鞍(+up);使負擔,強加(+on/upon/with);作不及物動詞時指「跨上馬鞍」;作名詞時指鞍、馬鞍或車座。
Today, America is reaching out our hand to China. We hope that soon Beijing will reach back – with deeds, not words, & with renewed respect for America. But we will not relent until our relationship with China is grounded in fairness, reciprocity, & respect for our sovereignty.
— Vice President Mike Pence (@VP)
● reach out,片語,伸手。
● deed [did],名詞,行為,行動,功績;及物動詞,立契約出讓(財產)。
● relent [rɪˋlɛnt],不及物動詞,緩和,變溫柔,變寬容。
● ground [graʊnd](+on/in),不及物動詞,以~為基礎。
● reciprocity [͵rɛsəˋprɑsətɪ],名詞,對等,互惠,相互性。
● sovereignty [ˋsɑvrɪntɪ],名詞,君權,統治權,主權。
I thank for recognizing ’s democratization achievements & the importance of stability in the Taiwan Strait. Working together with the , we look forward to the continued promotion of peace & stability in the region.
— 蔡英文 Tsai Ing-wen (@iingwen)
● achievement [əˋtʃivmənt],名詞,完成,達成,成就,成績。
● stability [stəˋbɪlətɪ],名詞,穩定,穩定性,堅定。
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