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有島嶼散置其間,或大或小,神祕非常。那是未被「淹沒」的山頭。至於島上有否珍 寶儲藏?有否漁人被漂流到這裡,與野人打鬥,掙扎求生,過魯賓遜似的生活?有否仙人奇妙的故事?……那就只好訴諸各人去馳騁他的想像了。



Sea of clouds Hsu ChiCheng

I have seen sea of clouds, one time, and next time, on the mountain, on fly many times, at water vapour season, are impressed on me until now, bear firmly in my mind and never forget, clearly in my mind while think of it every time.

Sea of clouds, the sea composed by cloud!
Sea of clouds, what a magic sea!
Sea of clouds what a changeful sea!

It’s surely the sea! How wide is it? How deep is it? Who knows it! We can’t hear the sound of its surging, but can see the breakers. They may rush on in a torrent, stir the white spray, like group of goat on the pasture, makes us gallop in our mind; or may raging, raise big spray tower like building, like dragon as tiger, makes us fear and horrified; or may slight overflow, dark blue, like silent maiden, makes us think deeply about, love it.
There are islands spread among them. They may be big or small, very mystical. Those are the hilltops no drown. As to is it stored the treasure, is the fisherman drifted there, fight with the barbarian, struggle to live on, live as Robin? Is there the wonderful story of the fairy ?… It just relies on every one to gallop his imagination.
Yes. it’s a place for every one to gallop his imagination. We may imagine any place of the earth, we may imagine of the wonderful sight in the bottom of the sea the group of fishes and dragons swimming, we may image the bumper harvest of the fisherman, the stories of the old skippers, we may imagine landscape and tsunami, fairy and demon…
Sea of clouds, the sea composed by clouds, the magic sea, the changeful sea, it often lingering in my mind and never forget! @


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