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12月26日,一年一度的節禮日獵狐活動開始了。傳統上,這一天是英格蘭的獵人們最重視的一天。2004年英國通過法律禁止使用獵犬把狐狸從樹叢裡驅趕出來,許多狐狸因此逃過一劫。 (Photo by Matt Cardy/Getty Images)
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【大紀元2017年01月04日訊】聖誕新年期間兩股颱風席捲英國;《星球大戰》新一集《俠盜一號》(Rogue One)在英國上映,新片造勢活動宛如外星人入侵地球;絢麗的焰火中,英國迎來了嶄新的2017年。這一年裡英國將面臨前所未有的挑戰,將正式啟動脫離歐盟的程序,開始與歐盟進行談判……

COLERAINE, NORTHERN IRELAND - DECEMBER 22: A huge wave crashes against Castlerock pier as 聖誕新年期間兩股颱風席捲英國。圖為一名職業衝浪選手在北愛的Coleraine等待巨浪過去。(Photo by Charles McQuillan/Getty Images)
聖誕新年期間兩股颱風席捲英國。圖為一名職業衝浪選手在北愛的Coleraine等待巨浪過去。(Photo by Charles McQuillan/Getty Images)
SWANSEA, WALES - DECEMBER 27: Scarlets centre Hadleigh Parkes tackles Rory Thornton of the Ospreys during the Guinness Pro 12 match between 頭戴繃帶者:我都受傷了,你能不能悠著點? 紅衣人:不行啊,老兄,我也是身不由己啊! 後面站立的紅衣人:(無語)。 黑衣人:當心,別閃著腰! (Photo by Stu Forster/Getty Images)
黑衣人:當心,別閃著腰! (Photo by Stu Forster/Getty Images)
LACOCK, ENGLAND - DECEMBER 26: Joint Master and Huntsman, Stuart Radbourn (C) leads riders that have arrived for the Avon Vale Hunt's traditional Boxing Day meet in Lacock near Chippenham on December 26, 2016 in Wiltshire, England. Boxing Day is traditionally the biggest day in the hunt calendar, and despite the hunting ban that came into force in 2004, today is expected to see thousands of supporters drawn to meets across the country. (Photo by Matt Cardy/Getty Images)
12月26日,一年一度的節禮日獵狐活動開始了。傳統上,這一天是英格蘭的獵人們最重視的一天。2004年英國通過法律禁止使用獵犬把狐狸從樹叢裡驅趕出來,許多狐狸因此逃過一劫。 (Photo by Matt Cardy/Getty Images)
EDINBURGH, SCOTLAND - DECEMBER 30: Up Helly Aa Vikings take part during a torchlight procession through Edinburgh for the start of the Hogmanay celebrations on December 30, 2016 in Edinburgh, Scotland. It is expected to bring in 150,000 visitors from more than 80 countries to the city for the traditional New Year celebrations, which run over three days. (Photo by Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images)
維京海盜們為啥這麼高興呢?12月30日,他們參加了蘇格蘭首府愛丁堡舉行的Hogmanay新年慶祝活動的火把遊行,這個活動吸引了來自世界80多個國家的15萬人觀看。 (Photo by Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images)
LONDON, ENGLAND - DECEMBER 15: People dressed as Stormtroopers from the Star Wars franchise of films pose on the Millennium Bridge to promote the latest release in the series, "Rogue One", on December 15, 2016 in London, England. "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story" is the first of three standalone spin-off films and is 外星人入侵地球了嗎?聖誕節前,《星球大戰》新一集《俠盜一號》(Rogue One)在英國上映,這是舉行的新片造勢活動。 (Photo by Leon Neal/Getty Images)
外星人入侵地球了嗎?聖誕節前,《星球大戰》新一集《俠盜一號》(Rogue One)在英國上映,這是舉行的新片造勢活動。 (Photo by Leon Neal/Getty Images)
聖誕節期間英國的鐵路運輸一團糟,有罷工的、有修路的,許多人發現倫敦的Paddington火車站乾脆關門近一個星期進行維修。 (Photo credit should read DANIEL LEAL-OLIVAS/AFP/Getty Images)
聖誕節期間英國的鐵路運輸一團糟,有罷工的、有修路的,許多人發現倫敦的Paddington火車站乾脆關門近一個星期進行維修。 (Photo credit should read DANIEL LEAL-OLIVAS/AFP/Getty Images)
新年前,接連幾日大霧籠罩英國。公路上車禍不斷,機場大批航班取消。(Photo by Matt Cardy/Getty Images)
新年前,接連幾日大霧籠罩英國。公路上車禍不斷,機場大批航班取消。(Photo by Matt Cardy/Getty Images)
絢麗的焰火中,英國迎來了嶄新的2017年。這一年裡英國將面臨前所未有的挑戰,將正式啟動脫離歐盟的程序,開始與歐盟進行談判。 (Photo by Leon Neal/Getty Images)
絢麗的焰火中,英國迎來了嶄新的2017年。這一年裡英國將面臨前所未有的挑戰,將正式啟動脫離歐盟的程序,開始與歐盟進行談判。 (Photo by Leon Neal/Getty Images)

