Gorgeous Sunset in New York City
— FashionweekNYC (@FashionweekNYC)
When the sunset aligns perfectly with the streets of NYC and makes a brilliant
— Christian Onassis™ (@COnassis)
Did you catch tonight? Did you take any amazing pictures? Wish I was in to see it!!
— Murray Newlands (@MurrayNewlands)
Every year thousands of worshippers with phones flock to to pay respect to the summer solstice.
— Khai (@ThamKhaiMeng)
Quick timelapse of people photographing
— Steve Kaliski (@stevekaliski)
A view of happening now in NYC, courtesy of Mayor Bill de Blasio’s office.
— ABC News (@ABC)
tonight! 42 Street around the corner from the Consulate is a great spot
— Dutch Consulate NY (@NLinNY)