加拿大新總理宣誓就職 內閣名單公布
1、總理 Prime Minister 特魯多(Justin Trudeau)
2、公共安全及應急準備部(Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Pre、paredness)部長古德爾(Ralph Goodale)
3、農業及農業食品部(Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food)部長麥考利(Lawrence MacAulay)
4、外交部(Minister of Foreign Affairs)部長狄安(Stéphane Dion)
5、移民、難民及公民部(Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship)部長麥家廉(John McCallum)
6、原住民及北方事務部(Minister of Indigenous and Northern Affairs)部長貝內特(Carolyn Bennett)
7、國庫委員會主席(President of Treasury Board)布里森(Scott Brison)
8、眾議院政府領袖(Leader of the Government in the House of Commons)勒布朗(Dominic LeBlanc)
9、創新、科學及經濟發展部(Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development)部貝恩斯(Navdeep Bains)
10、財政部(Minister of Finance)部長莫紐(Bill Morneau)
11、司法部長及總檢察長(Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada)王州迪(Jody Wilson-Raybould)
12、公共服務及採購部(Department of Public Services and Procurement)部長富特(Judy M. Foote)
13、國際貿易部(Minister of International Trade)部長方慧蘭(Chrystia Freeland)
14、衛生部(Minister of Health)部長菲爾波特(Jane Philpott)
15、家庭、兒童及社會發展部(Minister of Families, Children and Social Development)部長杜剋洛(Jean-Yves Duclos)
16、交通運輸部(Minister of Transport)部長加諾(Marc Garneau)
17、國際發展及法語事務部(Minister of International Development and La Francophonie)部長比博(Marie-Claude Bibeau)
18、自然資源部(Minister of Natural Resources)部長卡爾(James Gordon Carr)
19、加拿大遺產傳承部(Minister of Canadian Heritage)部長喬利(Mélanie Joly)
20、國家稅務部(Minister of National Revenue)部長勒布蒂利耶(Diane Lebouthillier)
21、退伍軍人事務部長(Minister of Veterans Affairs )夏堅(Kent Hehr)
22、環境與氣候變化部(Minister of Environment and Climate Change)部長麥肯納(Catherine McKenna)
23、國防部(Minister of National Defence)部長石俊(Harjit Singh Sajjan)
24、就業、勞動力發展及勞工部(Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Labour)部長米丘克(MaryAnn Mihychuk)
25、基礎設施及社區部(Minister of Infrastructure and Communities)部長索希(Amarjeet Sohi)
26、民主制度部(Minister of Democratic Institutions)部長蒙塞夫(Maryam Monsef)
27、體育及殘疾人部(Minister of Sport and Persons with Disabilities)部長誇爾特羅(Carla Qualtrough)
28、漁業、海洋及加拿大海岸警衛部(Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard)部長圖圖(Hunter Tootoo)
29、科學部(Minister of Science)部長鄧肯(Kirsty Duncan)
30婦女地位部(Minister of Status of Women)部長哈伊杜(Patricia A. Hajdu)
31、小企業及旅遊部(Minister of Small Business and Tourism)部長查格(Bardish Chagger)
責任編輯: 喬亓