





小時候我住在桃園縣觀音鄉的鄉下,也就是現在觀音蓮花季發祥地──大崛溪畔。在那兒,每逢秋天稻子黃熟起風時,大夥兒便忙進忙出,劈竹剪紙,自己糊貼風箏去稻田裡放。為了增加趣味, 有時我們把竹篾綁在風箏的背面,讓它在空中發出「嚶嚶」的聲音,很美很富詩意呢。



Kite-flying/ink and color painting

A group of people are flying kits by the bank of a river on Mt. Dabei, which is overgrown with reeds. This is a very appealing topic.

During my childhood, I lived in the countryside in Guanyin Township, Taoyuan County, and my home was on the bank of Daku Creek, near where the Guanyin Lotus Blossom Festival is held. In that place, when the golden rice is harvested, the winds of fall return, and people get busy cutting bamboo and paper to make kites, which they fly in the rice fields. In order to make things more interesting, we would tie bamboo splints on the backs of the kites, which caused them to make a “ying-ying” sound as they flew in the air. The kites are very beautiful and full of poetry.

The thing I remember best is how our next-door neighbor, an older gentleman, made a big kite that was about the size of a ping-pong table. He used steel wire bought at a hardware store for the string. He tied it under a eucalyptus tree and it flew for five or six days.@

