










Showy Colors/ink and color painting

Paintings with saturated colors and high chromaticity have an almost instinctual appeal for me.

I sometimes mix pigments, pour them on the paper, apply water with a brush, and let the paints flow and mixed naturally. I sometimes spray on water in advance, and add a little shampoo to help the colors disperse. While waiting for the paper to dry, I go down to play a few games of chess, or go sing some songs, and then continue painting after it is completely dry. If the colors are insufficiently deep, I will pour on pigments several times, until I am satisfied.

I like works with intense colors, and I like making this kind of painting.

Chu Chi-chan has said, “I like the vibrant colors used by Matisse, and find many places where I can use them in my own work.” Chu also noted that “intensity doesn’t just mean the use of strong colors; you must employ vivid contrasts, such as contrasting hot and cold, bright and dark, and large and small areas. Paintings should have the flavor of the times; modern painting styles tend to have intense colors, and my personality makes me prefer strong colors.”

I have a strong affection for Chu Chi-chan. In the words of the elder painter Shih Tao, “I do it my own way. “── I paint the way I see best. @

