Home by a Stream/ink and color painting
This is an old work from 8 years ago, and I had already stamped and signed it at that time. The painting was going to be shown at an exhibition or sold to someone. I don’t know why I ended up keeping it. I opened a trunk by chance not long ago and discovered it at the bottom. It felt like finding a lost treasure, as if seeing an old friend after a long time.
It feels like a daughter has been married out when a painting of mine is sold and hung in someone else’s house. Without doubt, I want the new owner to cherish and love it. I don’t my paintings become objects to be bought with some money and used as social flourishes.
Although it is expected that painters will sell their paintings, a painting will absolutely come to a bad end if it is sold too cheaply. I was once strolling around in the countryside and passed through a vegetable patch. I saw that the low fence of the vegetable patch was connected using frames with beautiful paintings. I discovered they were paintings done by a painter in Taoyuan County after squatting down to have a good look at them. I called this person in a hurry, and he was so mad when he saw how his paintings had been used. This is what happens when a painter sells his paintings too cheaply. As for paintings that are given as gifts, we can expect even worse outcomes. @