
人氣 4

【大紀元2013年02月16日訊】「肌膚一直在下垂,誰來救救我!!!」 我完全懂您的心情,讓我來幫助您!!




身為您的新朋友,親愛的讀者,我真誠希望能透過真正有效的純天然護膚商品,幫助您達成您想要的肌膚狀態!舉個例子,我在Noevir中學到了我們的肌膚如何隨著年齡增長而改變,正如我所經歷過的情況。當我們年輕時,肌膚會在28天左右週期性地代謝掉老廢物質,再生出年輕建康的肌膚。但隨著年齡增長,週期可能延長超過40天。Noevir提供數種產品可滿足不同年齡、不同肌膚需求!如果您期望能擁有更明亮的肌膚,Noevir有一款商品——Biosign Blanc Beaute將非常適合您。Blanc Beaute是一款擁有突破性科技的美容精華液,它能滲透進肌膚底層,活化肌膚原有的抗斑,抗變色的能力。它能幫助明亮肌膚並且調和膚色不均的現象。



我們將會在2/23星期六,下午4點至6點舉辦招待會。地點為:Bellevue Hilton Hotel, 300 112th Ave SE, Bellevue, WA



Julie Geddes 425.238.7052 email geddes.julie@gmail.com, www.superior-skincare.com.

Noevir獲得ISO 9001:2000 和 ISO 14001 兩項國家標準組織品質認證。

「My skin is starting to sag…Help me!!!」 I can relate. I can help.

After I turned 50, I began to notice, in pictures, that my face was changing. And…I did not like what I was seeing! It is true that 「a picture tells a thousand words」. Some words that came to my mind were 「sagging」, 「older」, and 「dull」. It was time to take action. It was time to turn this around.

It took a few years for me to come up with the answer. There were missteps along the way. Products I tried, touted as 「natural」, had potentially unsafe ingredients (these results were learned from a blood test). Education in skin care was needed. After speaking with several friends over a period of time, I was invited to attend a workshop on Noevir, a skincare line from Japan. The information I learned from that evening was life changing, and the products were safe! Noevir products utilize only safe and purposeful ingredients.

As your new friend, dear readers, I hope to help you achieve your skin care goals by introducing you to skin care products that are natural to the skin and that really work! A sample of what I learned is how our skin actually changes as we age, just as I was experiencing. When we are young, our skin regenerates in about 28 days but as we get older it can take over 40 days. Noevir has products to address all phases of skin, no matter what our chronological age! If you are wishing for your skin to be brighter, Noevir has a wonderful product called Biosign Blanc Beaute. Blanc Beaute is a breakthrough beauty serum that penetrates deeply into the skin to activate the skin’s natural anti-spot, anti-discoloration process. It helps brighten and even out skin tone. For myself, in addressing the sagginess in my skin, I was introduced to FaceConscious which helped to lift and put elasticity in my skin. The natural ingredients are combined to aid skin repair and help rebuild the skin』s physical systems while promoting immediate tightening of the facial skin. 「Miracle in a bottle」, I say. I was pleased when people would look at me and say something is different…It was my skin, firmer and brighter!!!

I want to share these products with you as my readers. Please consider joining me on Saturday, February 23rd from 4:00 until 6:00 PM at the Bellevue Hilton Hotel, 300 112th Ave SE, Bellevue, WA.

We are having an open house for you and I would be happy to help you with your skin concerns.
I look forward to sharing my skincare knowledge with you in 2013! There are articles that I am planning, but if you have subjects you』d like to see addressed, please let me know.

Please contact me to arrange an appointment to evaluate your skin needs. Julie Geddes 425.238.7052 email geddes.julie@gmail.com, www.superior-skincare.com. Noevir facilities are ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 14001 certified.

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