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【大紀元2012年08月17日訊】A: 歡迎大家來到這期的美語訓練班! 我是楊琳!

B: 大家好,我是Jo! 從今天開始, 我來給Kat代班,希望大家多多支持!

A: 放心,有我罩著你,你肯定沒問題的拉!

B: 哈哈,你可得說到做到! 快來說說咱們今天都要學甚麼!

A: 好! 今天,咱們一起去看看電影,八卦一下辦公室戀情,還要探討探討怎麼處理工作壓力!

B: 工作壓力, oh my god! Tell me about it! I have so many things on my plate right now that I don’t even know where to start!

A: 等會我就來給你支招! 現在,咱們還是言歸正傳,趕快來進入第一個單元,Learn a Word!

Learn A Word 1544 work-related

今天我們要學的詞是 work-related. Work is spelled w-o-r-k, related is spelled r-e-l-a-t-e-d, work-related. Work-related 與工作有關的。比如,He claimed that the travel expenses were all work-related. 他說,外出旅行的這些開支都是跟工作有關的。最新研究顯示,The more work-related stress parents experience, the more likely their children are to eat unhealthy meals. 家長在工作上的壓力越大,他們的孩子吃不健康食物的可能性也就越大。More than 8,000 cancer deaths in Britain each year are work-related. 英國每年有八千多起癌症死亡都是由工作引起的。好,今天我們學習的詞是 work-related, work-related, work-related…

B: This is exactly what I’m talking about, work-related stress. I have three scripts to write, a video to shoot, another video to edit, and tons of paperwork to finish by the end of this week!

A: 哎,可不! 在今天這種社會裏,你只能學會忙裡偷閒! 說起來,我下了班就要去yoga class, 要不然咱們一起去?

B: I’m not really a sports person. Sports never really decompresses me, instead, I get excited after working out and could not sleep.

A: 或者吧…嘿嘿嘿,你最近不是有個新實習生? 你可以多鍛練鍛練她嘛….

B: She’s helping a lot but I can’t let her to do my work! Actually she’s really a diamond in the rough. With a bit more training, she can become a great reporter very soon!

A: That’s why I think you can give her some more challenging work! ~~你剛才提到了一個很好的詞兒,a diamond in the rough, 咱們今天就來學學這個習慣用語的用法!

Words and Idioms 974

現在播送美國習慣用語第 974講。我是楊琳。

M: 我是 Steve Baragona.


M: Diamond in the rough. Diamond is spelled d-i-a-m-o-n-d, and rough; r-o-u-g-h. Diamond-in-the-rough. Diamond in the rough.

Diamond 是鑽石的意思,而rough, 意思是粗糙的,未經彫琢的。連起來,diamond in the rough, 字面意思是粗糙的鑽石,實際上就是我們在中文裡所說的「未經彫琢的璞玉」。上面例子裡談到的那個實習生就是這樣。She may not be an established broadcaster, but she shows potential. She’s a DIAMOND IN THE ROUGH. 她現在還不是一名播音員,但是她很有潛力。她是一塊未經彫琢的璞玉。下面的例子裡,一個剛買房的人對他的房子有甚麼跟別人不一樣的見解呢? 我們來聽聽看:

M: “My friends don’t have a very high opinion of the house I bought. True, it’s small and outdated. But the way I see it, its my DIAMOND IN THE ROUGH. Once I build an addition on to it, install new windows, doors and give it a fresh coat of faint, it’ll be quite inviting. “


我相信他很善於投資房地產,因為他能夠意識到甚麼房子有翻修的價值。我的一個好朋友也是這樣,她從來沒有投資過房地產,不過她投資對了人。在她和她男朋友戀愛的時候,大家都不看好,可是她認為她男朋友是個潛力股。事實證明,His husband then started a great business. He was a DIAMOND IN THE TOUGH after all. 好了,言歸正傳,我們再來聽聽剛才那段話:

M: “My friends don’t have a very high opinion of the house I bought. True, it’s small and outdated. But the way I see it, its my DIAMOND IN THE ROUGH. Once I build an addition on to it, install new windows, doors and give it a fresh coat of faint, it’ll be quite inviting. “

Diamond in the rough, 未經彫琢的璞玉。對於教練或者教師來說,發現這種潛力股的能力很重要。下面的這名網球教練就試圖說服大家他發現了一個很有潛力的新球員,我們來聽聽看:

M: “Samantha’s coach has tried to convince anyone who will listen that he’s discovered the next great tennis star. But nobody believes that she’s a DIAMOND IN THE ROUGH. No matter how much she trains, they think it’s doubtful that she’ll ever become an exceptional player.”

這段話是說: 薩曼塔的教練試圖讓其他人相信他真地發現了未來的網球明星。但是沒有人相信她是一支潛力股。不管她怎麼訓練,大家都懷疑她是否能成為一名出色的網球選手。

一般來說,很難想像所有人都是錯的。不過也有很多例子說明真理有時候確實會站在少數人那一邊。說起Diamond in the rough這個短語的起源,最初人們用這個短語來指那些還沒有經過彫琢的,特別是那些可能被打造成高貴珠寶的寶石。現在,我們用這個短語的引伸意義,來形容那些非常有潛力的人和物品。好的,讓我們再來聽聽剛才那段話:

M: “Samantha’s coach has tried to convince anyone who will listen that he’s discovered the next great tennis star. But nobody believes that she’s a DIAMOND IN THE ROUGH. No matter how much she trains, they think it’s doubtful that she’ll ever become an exceptional player.”

今天我們學習的習慣用語是diamond in the rough, 意思是「未經彫琢的璞玉」。好的,這次[美國習慣用語]就到此結束,我是楊琳,我是 Steve Baragona。謝謝各位的收聽。

A: Diamond in the rough, this is a good term to describe myself….(笑) kidding kidding. 不過上週我看了一部電影,裡頭的女配角雖然不出名,但是演得特別好! She’s definitely a diamond in the rough.

B: Sounds like you watch a lot of movies! Do you go to the movie theater a lot?

A: 其實不是! 我就是在Netflix上,在線看! It’s a lot more cheaper than going to a movie theater, and a great way to relax after a long day of work!

B: That’s true! I used to go to the movie theater a lot when I was dating my husband…but now, maybe I should consider having Netflix! Sounds like there are some great options there!

A: 是呀! 這不,在今天的美語三級跳裡,Emily和Peter就要聊聊有關看電影的話題,咱們一起去聽聽吧!

Movie Dialogue: Intermediate


Emily 和 Peter正在約會,倆人聊到了電影,還有平時喜歡的消遣。
Professor: Winnie, we already know that both of them like going to movies in the theaters. Now let’s listen to them talking about other ways to watch movies.

P: Did you do anything fun over the weekend?

E: I didn’t want to go out last weekend, so I decided to stay at home and watch a movie.

P: Why didn’t you want to go out?

E: I was very tired after working all week. Sometimes on the weekend I don’t have enough energy to go out to a movie theater.

P: Did you download a movie or rent it at the store?

E: I downloaded it so that I didn’t have to remember to return it.

Professor: So, Winnie, besides going to the movie theater, what are the two other ways to watch movies that Emily and Peter talked about?


Professor: Right. And what’s better about renting a movie by downloading it?
MC: 這個我有親身體會,下載電影不用記得去還!這麼做的確很方便!

Professor: I agree, Winnie! Now let’s listen to Peter talking about the other activity he really likes.

P: Last weekend I didn’t want to go out either, so I stayed at home and played video games by myself. It was really fun!

E: Oh yeah, that sounds pretty cool, I guess …

P: Yeah, I’m really into video games. In fact, all my friends are on the Internet. I’ve never met any of them in the real world.

E: Oh really … well you must be very popular on the Internet. But it’s true that it’s nice to do some things in the comfort of your own home.

不會吧?Peter 的朋友都是玩線上遊戲時認識的網友?在 Emily 眼中,這好像不能加分呦!

Professor: I think you’re right, Winnie. Emily didn’t sound very impressed by Peter’s being “into” video games. By the way, saying you’re “into” something is a casual way of saying you really like it.

哦,所以,如果我對政治特別感興趣的話,就可以說 “I’m really into politics”?

Professor: Exactly. I wonder if Emily is “into” guys who spend all their time playing video games. Let’s listen and find out.

P: You’re right. Watching movies at home is way cheaper than going to the theater, too. I like downloading movies too because it’s easy and fast.

E: I agree. And it’s very convenient.

P: Have you ever heard of a movie rental company called Netflix? They send the movies directly to your house in the mail.

E: Really? That’s great! I’m going to try that next time.

P: Yeah, but I wish they delivered video games too. Then I would never leave my house!

Professor: Winnie, did you hear Peter say why he likes watching movies at home?

好像是他覺得在家看電影比去電影院便宜。可是,他說 “way cheaper”是甚麼意思呢?

Professor: The word “way” can be slang for “very.”

我明白了。前面加個 way, w-a-y, 是為了加重語氣。那我可以說 “Peter is way into video games”!

Professor: That’s it!

P: So Emily, do you still want to see a movie together this weekend?
E: Well, what do you want to see? I don’t think there are many good movies out right now.

P: Hmmm … I know! We can go to a really bad sci-fi movie and sit in the back of the theater and make fun of it. What do you think?

E: Now that’s a great plan. It’s a date!

大功告成!雖然Peter沉迷於網絡遊戲,可Emily還是願意繼續跟他約會,兩人準備去看最爛的 sci-fi movie 科幻片,然後一起嘲笑電影的粗製濫造!

Professor: That’s right. When you say that a movie is “out,” that means that it is playing in the theaters.

對啊!我特別想看布拉德皮特的新片,but it won’t be out until next month!So, professor Bowman, do you think Emily and Peter’s next date will go well?

Professor: For that, Winnie, we’ll have to tune in next time and find out!

A: Emily和Peter聊起了看電影的方式,除了去電影院,還可以rent or download a movie; 不過Peter談起電子遊戲的時候興緻大增,Emily 覺得 Peter “way into video games” ,太熱衷電子遊戲了。
B: Hope they can keep going out!

A: 對啊! 真羨慕他們!!!! At least they have someone to go out with. 現在天天工作10小時,我都沒時間出去認識人,怎麼找男朋友呀!
B: Yeah I know, work is tough these days. Actually a lot of people are complaining about the same thing. Hmm…wait, why don’t you check out some of the cute guys in the office?

A: 啊? 辦公室戀情? 大家不是都說同事最好別戀愛嗎?

B: Well, I mean, the only thing you need to think of is an exit strategy in case things don’t work out. But if you really like someone and he happens to be your co-worker, what’s wrong with that?

A: 哈,也是! 今天的business etiquette裡就要講講浪漫~的辦公室戀情,咱們先一起去聽聽看吧!

公司老闆 Joe 找員工 Sam 和 Lucinda 談話。

Joe Tan: Hi Sam, please take a seat. Good morning, Lucinda. Please sit down. How are you both this morning?

Sam and Lucinda: Good, thanks.

Joe: I asked you both to come in this morning because there’s been rumors floating around that you two are involved in a personal relationship. Now I know these kinds of things can be sensitive, but I do feel we have to discuss it.

Joe 開門見山,說找他們兩人談話,是因為公司裡有傳言,there has been rumors floating around…說 Sam 和 Lucinda 在談戀愛。Joe 承認,這種事可能很敏感 sensitive, s-e-n-s-i-t-i-v-e,但還是得談。

Lucinda: Yes, the rumors are true. Sam and I are in love!

Sam: It’s true, I feel the same way about Lucinda!

Joe: Well, let me be the first to congratulate you! Falling in love is great and I’m very happy for both of you.

S: But?

J: Well, our company does have some guidelines for internal relationships.

Lucinda 和 Sam 兩人都承認,they are in love. 他們確實在戀愛。Joe 首先向他們表示祝賀。但隨即承膂b,公司在員工談戀愛方面有 guideline 指導原則 g-u-i-d-e-l-i-n-e. 甚麼 guideline 呢?

L: The company frowns on co-workers dating each other, right?

J: Let’s just say such relationships are not actively encouraged.

S: But why? We are in love!

J: There are many reasons, but one of the main downsides to interoffice relationships is that they can be a big distraction from work. Other employees can also sometimes see such relationships as unfair. The end result can be jealousy, hurt feelings and a loss of productivity for the company.

Joe 解釋說,公司之所以不鼓勵公司員工之間的戀愛關係,最主要的原因是干擾工作,a big distraction from work. d-i-s-t-r-a-c-t-i-o-n 分心。其他員工會覺得不公平,最後造成 a loss of productivity for the company. 公司生產力的下降。p-r-o-d-u-c-t-i-v-i-t-y 生產力。

L: But in today’s modern working world, I feel like there is very little opportunity to meet people. Bars are smoky and loud. Internet dating can be very scary…it seems like I spend most of my time working at the office, so isn’t it natural to find a co-worker as a partner?

S: I have to agree. Lucinda and I work on the same projects so we have a lot in common. I even think our productivity has increased as a result of our relationship. We talk about work even during our free time!

Lucinda 說,她覺得,酒吧煙霧瀰漫、人聲鼎沸,網上交友又不安全,既然一天到晚待在公司,在辦公室找對象不是很自然嗎。Sam 也說,他們兩人是同一個項目組的,we have a lot in common. 有很多共同點。他覺得,他們的戀愛關係反而提高了公司的生產力。說到這兒,老闆 Joe 是不是理屈詞窮了呢?我們下次繼續聽。

A: 原來,老闆說辦公室戀愛得有guideline指導原則,公司一般不鼓勵辦公室戀愛,主要是怕it can be a distraction from work, 干擾工作,造成a loss of productivity 生產力下降。

B: Yeah, I think this is the main reason why some companies forbid office relationship.

A: 可是不都說,男女搭配,幹活不累嗎?

B: Of course! But if the couple break up and still need to face each other everyday, that’s going to be awkward, don’t you think?

A: That’s true. But you can work on different projects, that’s why we say an exit strategy is extremely important! 咱們接著聽老闆Joe給出了甚麼樣的建議吧!


A Relationship at the Office II

Sam 和 Lucinda 在公司談戀愛,被老闆 Joe 找來談話。Sam 和 Lucinda 保證,兩人的戀愛關係不會影響工作。讓我們聽聽老闆 Joe 是怎麼說的。

J: I understand your position completely. And let me say: our company doesn’t have a blanket ban on interoffice relationships. We are just concerned about possible ramifications. When you first fall in love, of course you don’t think about what would happen if you broke up, but let’s face it…break-ups are very common. Have you considered what it would be like if the relationship didn’t work out?

Joe 說,公司並不一律禁止內部的戀愛關係,a blanket ban 一概而論,全部禁止。但他 同時提醒他們,萬一兩人吹了,該怎麼辦。Joe 說,Break-ups are very common. Break-up 意思就是戀愛關係的中斷。

L: That’s true. It would be very awkward to work with an ex-boyfriend every day.

S: But there must be some way we can continue dating and working together. We are adults after all.

J: Yes, I think there are ways you can continue a relationship while working together. Relationship experts say the first rule when co-workers decide to date each other is to plan an ‘exit strategy.’

Lucinda 承認,萬一兩人吹了,會十分尷尬,但是 Sam 表示,總該有個讓戀愛工作兩不誤的好辦法,畢竟大家都是成年人。Joe 告訴他們,專家說了,跟同事談戀愛,首先應該想好 ‘exit strategy’. 退出戰略。

L: Exit strategy?

J: Yes. What would you do if the relationship isn’t successful? You should think about that. I think the biggest issue is that if it doesn’t work out, you still have to face that person every day…and that can be tough.

S: I think you’ve given us some good points we should talk over. Let me assure you that Lucinda and I will be as discreet as possible around the office.

Joe 所說的 exit strategy 退出戰略,其實就是想好後路的意思,萬一吹了,該如何彼此面對。Sam 保證說,他和 Lucinda 一定會儘量注意影響。

J: One option is for one of you to transfer to a different department so you can still work together, but not in such an intimate way.

L: Yes, that’s a possibility we should think about. Let me also say that we recognize that when we are working, the job comes first. There will be no drop in productivity, I can guarantee that!

J: Well, I think you both are handling this situation in a mature way. Let’s just take it from here and see how it goes, OK? Thanks for talking with me and being honest and open. I really appreciate that.

S: Thanks, boss!

Joe 建議說,Sam 和 Lucinda 其中一人不妨考慮換個部門工作。Lucinda 再次保證,不會影響工作,Job comes first. 一切以工作為重。談話結束前,Joe 稱讚兩人處事成熟,Let’s just take it from here and see how it goes. 意思是走一步看一步吧。

B: That sounds like a good idea, to let the couples work on different projects. This way it won’t be too awkward if the two split.

A: 那我得抓緊時間,去別的辦公室尋找帥哥行動開始!

B: All right, day dreaming queen…

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