



Chinese Bullet Train Corruption Scandal



1. corruption: [kəˋrʌpʃən] n. the act of corrupting or state of being corrupt貪汙

2. scandal: [ˋskænd!] n. damage to reputation; public disgrace醜聞

3. procure: [proˋkjʊr]v. to obtain or get by care採購

4. reveal: [rɪˋvil] v. to make known揭露

5. personal relationship: [ˋpɝsn!] [rɪˋleʃənˋʃɪp] n. a relation between persons人際關係

6. practically: [ˋpræktɪk!ɪ] adj. in effect; virtually事實上、實際上

7. inherit: [ɪnˋhɛrɪt] v. to take or receive (property, a right, a title, etc.) by succession or will繼承

8. withhold: [wɪðˋhold] v. to refrain from giving or granting保留、隱瞞

9. descendant: [dɪˋsɛndənt]n.子孫、後裔

According to state-run media, parts for China’s high-speed rail network were not procured through open bidding, but instead through suppliers directly appointed by the regime. Many of these suppliers have links with officials in the Railway Ministry or other parts of the administration.


The supplier directory of the CSR Corporation, the company that makes the high-speed trains, reveals suppliers with obvious links to transport officials. For example, the ex-wife of the director of the transport bureau, Zhang Shuguang, imports vacuum toilets for the trains.


The chief of one university in Zhejiang says many industries in China are controlled through personal relationships with high-level communist officials known as “princelings.” They practically inherited their positions through their family connections and control large parts of Chinese industry and government. His identity is withheld for his protection.


[Zhejiang Universitys Chief]:

“The railway (ministry) is just a big pile of corruption…All finances of China are in the hands of princelings. It’s the third generation descendants of those communist leaders of the Yan’an period. Every financial transaction they do involves hundreds of millions of yuan. The current abundance of wealth in Beijing is because of them.”


「鐵路(部)只是貪汙的一大部分…… 中國的全部財政都掌控在皇親國戚手裡。目前是那些延安時期之共產黨領導人的第三代後裔。每一筆金融交易,他們涉及數億人民幣。目前北京的充裕財富是因為他們。」


1. bidding :[ˋbɪdɪŋ] n. an attempt to attain some goal or purpose. 投標

2. automated hand washbasin :: n.phr. 自動洗手盆

3. faucet : [ˋfɔsɪt] n. any device for controlling the flow of liquid from a pipe; tap; 水龍頭

4. lead to: [lid] [tu] ph. to influence or induce; cause導致

5. involve in: [ɪnˋvɑlv] [ɪn] ph. to affect, as something within the scope of operation.涉及

6. cite: [saɪt] v. to mention in support, proof, or confirmation引用

This reliance on personal relationships rather than competition and bidding between suppliers has led to China’s trains being produced at sky-high prices. The domestically manufactured parts now cost almost as much as imported parts.


For example, the price of automated hand washbasins for the train’s restrooms was about 11-thousand US dollars. The faucet cost almost two thousand US dollars, with the entire restroom costing over 63-thousand dollars per carriage. Although the price is high, it is not clear where the money is going.


Former vice-president of Automation Division of the ABB Group in Germany, Wu Wenxin, says this poor regulation leads to poor quality parts and a loss of public funds.


[Wu Wenxin, Former Vice-President, Automation Division, ABB Group]:

“In mainland China, I believe many places do not do things fairly, or robustly. Even when inviting international bids, many irrational practices come about. The documents can be exaggerated, but in the end when the goods are supplied they are not the way described, no one is monitoring this or regulating it. This is what brought about the serious quality problems with the high-speed rail.”



In July 2011, two high-speed trains were involved in a head on collision killing at least 39 people. The railway ministry cited a faulty signaling system as the cause of the crash.



