

Daniel Chen, David Lee
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Berliners Jog Off the Christmas Pounds in Boxing Day Goose Run


1. Pound: [paʊnd] n. 磅重
2. Boxing day: ph. 節禮日(耶誕節次日)
3. Get rid of :ph. 擺脫
4. Pull together: ph. 同心協力
5. Filling: [‘fɪlɪŋ] adj. 充滿的
6. Stuffed: [st’ʌft] adj. 填料的
7. Spur on: ph. 鼓舞;激勵
8. Dieter: [d’itɚ] n. 節食者
9. Turn out :ph. 出動
10. Seasonal: [s’izənəl] adj. 季節性的
11. Mulled wine: ph. 熱香料酒
12. Festive: [‘fɛstɪv] adj. 節慶的

The Boxing Day goose race has become a firm tradition in the German capital and this year is no exception.

Usually organized by members of Berlin’s sports club, Charlottenburg (SCC), this year’s 13th run to get rid of the extra pounds from the festive eating was pull together by Berlin marathon enthusiast, Bernd Huebner.

Germans traditionally eat a very filling and rich roast goose at Christmas and for extra motivation the race is led by St. Nick himself, holding a stuffed goose to spur the dieters on.

Some 280 participants turned out for the run through West Berlin’s Grunewald forest.
約有 280名參加者出動,路跑穿越西柏林的古耐沃德森林。

Despite the effort to lose the seasonal pounds, cake and mulled wine were available in the woods at the halfway mark.

Dressed in festive Christmas hats and outfits the runners didn’t seem to mind being so sporting so soon after Christmas.

[Bernd Huebner, Run Organizer]:
“After 5 kilometers I felt great and after the roast goose its a way to relax and is to be seen as a fun run. I know almost everyone here and some of them I only see on Boxing Day. It’s just fun and that’s how it should be.”



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