


Chinese Lawyer Gao Zhisheng Still Not Free: Probation Period Over




1. probation: n. [proˋbeʃən]緩刑

2. self-taught: adj. [ˋsɛlf tɔt]自修的

3. take on: ph. [ˋtek ɑn]承擔

4. pro bono: ph. 為慈善機構和窮人提供的免費專業服務

5. defend: v. [dɪˋfɛnd] 為…辯護

6. eviction: n. [ɪˋvɪkʃən]逐出

7. lead to: ph. [lid] [tu]導致

8. clampdown: n. [ˋklæmp͵daʊn]取締

9. take one’s toll: ph.付出代價

10. arouse: v. [əˋraʊz]喚起

11. petition: n. [pəˋtɪʃən]請願書

12. call for: ph. [kɔl] [fɔr]要求、需要

[Gao Zhiyi, Gao Zhisheng’s Brother]:

“I think of him at night and I can’t sleep, how can I not think of him. I know his situation is not too good, there is no trace of him, one would surely think of him, I think of him a lot.”



There is still no trace of Chinese rights lawyer Gao Zhisheng. On August 14th, 2006 Gao was sentenced to three years in prison and five years probation. Now five years are up and Gao should be free.


Gao Zhisheng is a self-taught Christian lawyer. He was once considered one of the top ten lawyers in China. He took on some of the most sensitive cases in the country, often on a pro bono basis, winning rare victories against authorities.


[Mark Shan, China Aid Spokesperson]:

“He was not only trying to defend religious freedom for those in the Christian house church movement, for those victims of land eviction, he also defended those Falun Gong practitioners.”

對華援助協會發言人Mark Shan說:


Falun Gong is a spiritual group banned by the Chinese regime in 1999, it remains one of the most persecuted groups in China. More than 3,400 deaths due to persecution and over 63 thousand cases of torture have been documented so far.

法輪功是一個精神修煉群體,於1999年被中國政權禁止。現仍是受迫害最深的群體。至今,超過 3,400人死於迫害,酷刑報告超過63,000件。

It was Gao’s defense of Falun Gong that led to a clampdown by authorities. In 2005 the Chinese regime shut down Gao’s law firm in Beijing. Since 2006 Gao was in and out of custody suffering from torture himself. His current whereabouts are unknown.


Mark Shan of China Aid, a U.S.-based Chinese Christian organization, says it’s no surprise Gao hasn’t been released.

對華援助是以美國為基地的中國基督教組織。其發言人Mark Shan說,高律師未被釋放並不訝異。

[Mark Shan, China Aid Spokesperson]:

“We know how the Chinese government has treated Gao Zhisheng, as almost like the number one or number two enemy of the nation. So we don’t think they can let him go so easily. So it’s not a surprise at all.”

對華援助協會發言人Mark Shan說:


Gao’s detention has taken its toll on his family. Gao’s wife, son and daughter managed to escape China in 2009 and now live in the United States. Gao’s daughter has been hit especially hard by his absence.


[Geng He, Gao Zhisheng’s Wife]:

“When we go to the home of friends from church, and my daughter sees a father with his daughter, carrying a musical instrument and the mother is also present, she can’t take it. She stands up and wants to walk out… So I know that when my daughter sees that warm, caring image of a whole family, it arouses deep feelings of past memories.”



Vice president of the European Parliament, Edward McMillan-Scott, wrote a letter to Gao’s wife on August 12th where he expressed admiration for Gao Zhisheng. He wrote Gao “will one day be part of China’s future.”

歐洲議會副主席Edward McMillan-Scott,在8月12日,寫了一封信給高律師的妻子,表示對高律師的欽佩之意。他寫道,「有一天高律師會成為中國未來的一部分。」

China Aid hopes the U.S. vice president can also play a role in securing Gao’s freedom.


[Mark Shan, China Aid Spokesperson]:

“We hope the vice president of America, Biden, he is visiting China this week, so we hope he can raise this issue as one important thing.”

對華援助協會發言人Mark Shan說:


Gao has now been missing for 923 days. Almost 150 thousand people have signed a petition calling for his release.



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