


French “Spiderman” Climbs Hong Kong’s Hang Seng Bank





1. daredevil: adj. [ˋdɛr͵dɛv!]蠻勇的、不怕死的

2. thanks to: ph. [θæŋks] [tu]由於

3. scale: v. [skel]攀登

4. reveal: v. [rɪˋvil]揭露

5. conquer: v. [͵kɑŋkɚ]克服

6. bare: adj. [bɛr]裸的

7. a crowd of: ph. [ə kraʊd ɑv]許許多多(人)

8. stunt: n. [stʌnt]特技

9. charge: n. [tʃɑrdʒ]指控

10. in terms of: ph. [ɪn ˋtɝms ɑv]就…方面來說

11. release: v. [rɪˋlis]釋放

12. vocation: n. [voˋkeʃən]職業

French daredevil climber Alain Robert climbed the 27 stories of the 450 foot-high Hang Seng Bank headquarters in Hong Kong on Wednesday.

周三,法國蠻勇登山客Alain Robert,爬上450英呎高的香港恆生銀行總部的27樓。

Robert, who earned the nickname “French Spiderman” thanks to his habit of scaling high buildings – usually without approval, did not reveal which building he planned to climb until he reached the site. This was to make sure his plan would not be stopped by authorities.


Building on the success of the climb, Robert plans to conquer the second-tallest building in Hong Kong, which is Two International Finance Centre.


[Alain Robert, French Spiderman]:

“Hong Kong is a good place, you know, it’s the right spot, there are so many buildings and some of them are really fantastic piece, I am thinking especially about 2IFC.”

法國蜘蛛人Alain Robert說:


It took Robert around 40 minutes to climb the Hang Seng Bank building, using just his bare hands and without any safety equipment.

Robert花了約 40分鐘,用赤手攀爬恆生銀行,沒有任何安全設備。

A crowd of pedestrians gathered at the foot of the building to watch the death-defying stunt.


[Kate Makusenko, Onlooker]:

“I was just passing by and I saw this. He is crazy.”

觀眾Kate Makusenko說:


Despite not having official permission to scale the walls of the building, Robert was allowed to walk away without charges, after a short discussion with the police and the management of the building.


[Alain Robert, French Spiderman]:

“At the end of the day, I am very, very sure that there is absolutely zero damage and in terms of the law, what I did now is not considered as a crime, so that is the reason why I have been released.”

法國蜘蛛人Alain Robert說:


Robert started his vocation young, climbing his first building at the age of 12 when he got locked out of his apartment. He then decided to mount the eight stories up to an open window.


He has since climbed more than 80 buildings around the world, including Chicago’s Sears Tower and the Taipei 101 in Taiwan.



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本專欄由前衛英語李德良老師主編 www.davidlee.url.tw