China Ranks High for Bribery: Survey
1. rank: [ræŋk] v.把…分等(評級)
2. bribery: [ˋbraɪbərɪ] n.行賄、受賄
3. survey: [sɚˋve]n.v.調查、研究
4. practice: [ˋpræktɪs] n.習慣、常規
5. transparency: [trænsˋpɛrənsɪ]n.透明度
6. release: [rɪˋlis]v發行、發表
7. perceive: [pɚˋsiv] v.察覺、意識到
8. likelihood: [ˋlaɪklɪ͵hʊd] n.可能性
9. offender: [əˋfɛndɚ] n.違法者、犯規者
10. parallel: [ˋpærə͵lɛl]n.相似處、比較
11. measure: [ˋmɛʒɚ] v.測量、計量
12. trustworthy: [ˋtrʌst͵wɝðɪ] adj.可信的、可靠的
According to a recent survey, a common business practice in China is bribery. The Berlin-based anticorruption group Transparency International released its fifth Bribe Payer’s Index. It ranks 28 of the world’s largest economies and ranks them according to the perceived likelihood of bribery.
This year, the top offenders were Russia, followed closely by China. The results match a similar survey taken in 2008.
The findings were based on a survey of 3,000 business executives worldwide on how likely they felt the use of bribery was in a given country.
Transparency International has drawn parallels between this survey and one from 2010 measuring perceived corruption. The same countries where the use of bribery is perceived to be high, also tends to have a less trustworthy view of officials.