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Falun Gong Artists Shine at NTD Figure Painting Competition
法輪功藝術家在NTD TV 油畫大賽表現出眾

1. shine: v. [ʃaɪn]出眾、傑出
2. bittersweet: adj. [ˋbɪtɚ͵swit]苦樂參半
3. orthodox: adj. [ˋɔrθə͵dɑks]正統的
4. renewal n. [rɪˋnjuəl]復興
5. bear witness to: ph. [bɛr] [ˋwɪtnɪs] [tu]證明
6. affirm: v. [əˋfɝm]肯定、申明
7. meditation: n. [͵mɛdəˋteʃən]冥想
8. breakthrough: n. [ˋbrek͵θru]突破
9. determination: n. [dɪ͵tɝməˋneʃən]堅定、決心
10. persecution: n. [͵pɝsɪˋkjuʃən]迫害
11. compassion: n. [kəmˋpæʃən]善、同情
12. contrast with: ph. [ˋkɑn͵træst] [wɪð]對照

Family traditions, ethnic culture and the sweet and bittersweet moments of life.

Ben Hedges, NTD News:
Ben Hedges新唐人新聞報導:

“I’m here at New York’s Salmagundi Club for NTD’s 3rd International Chinese Figure Painting Competition of over 140 artworks entered into the competition, 50 have made it through to the final.”
This is a traditional painting competition, General Manager Dr. Xueye Zhu explains.

Dr. Xueye Zhu, Competition General Manager:
“There are two main points, the first point is they must use the traditional, orthodox style of realism to produce oil paintings. The second point is they must express aspects of traditional, orthodox culture from China’s 5000 year history.”
NTD’s competition serves as a platform for the renewal of traditional realist techniques. These techniques fell out of fashion as abstract art gained prominence in the 20th century.
Art Collector and Chairman of the Art Renewal Center Fred Ross says this is an important contribution to the art world.
藝術收藏家和藝術重建中心主席Fred Ross說,這是藝術世界的一項重要貢獻。

, Art Collector:
“We are bearing witness here at this great competition, that the fine arts of painting, drawing and sculpture are returning to their rightful place alongside the other great arts or writing, poetry, music, dance and theater. And to affirm that fine art is only at its best when using the vocabulary and grammar of traditional realism.”
藝術收藏家Fred Ross說:
Today was the award ceremony. 9 artists received honorable mention awards, while two bronze, two silver and two gold awards were handed out.

The two gold winners are both practitioners of Falun Gong, a Chinese spiritual practice.

Michelle Chen’s painting “My Mom” depicts a child’s vision of her mother’s spiritual bodies in the heavens as she practices meditation.
Michelle Chen的油畫,「我的媽媽」,描繪一個小孩,當媽媽打坐時,他看見媽媽在天堂的純潔身體。
Michelle Chen, Gold Award Winner:
“Through meditation, you can experience some beautiful things. You can only experience these things once you do it, it is hard to express in words. But, I wanted to paint it, to paint things people can’t see with their eyes. This painting was a real breakthrough for me, I feel this type of painting is harder than those cultural paintings of the past, because it is something people cannot see with their eyes, so it is very difficult.”
金獎得主Michelle Chen說:
Since 1999, the Chinese Communist regime has been severely persecuting Falun Gong practitioners in Mainland China. Over 3000 deaths from torture have been documented.

The other gold award painting, “Determination Under Persecution,” depicts a female Falun Gong practitioner undergoing torture, yet she maintains determination and compassion.

Local Artist Shannon Olexa says he recognizes this determination in the painting.
當地藝術家Shannon Olexa說,他在畫中意會這個堅定。

Shannon Olexa, New York Based Artist:
“I think the ruffles in the fine lace of her shirt, contrasting with the rusty metal heavy chain is a theme throughout the whole painting. Despite her obviously tortured physicality or how she’s there, I still see a peace and determination in her eyes, it seems as if her soul is not troubled. I guess that’s the nature of persecution, if your cause is right, then it’s worth fighting for.”
紐約的藝術家Shannon Olexa說:
All of the paintings will be on display at the Salmagundi Club on New York’s 5th Avenue until December 3rd.


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